Midhurst Green Volunteers – Dates for Working Parties to March 2025

Midhurst Green Volunteers have finalised dates for working parties around the Parish for the first quarter of 2025.

More volunteers are always needed and welcome, please email parishclerk@easebourne.org if you are available on any of the proposed dates and we can put you in touch with them.

Date Location Meeting Point
14th January North Bridge Plus Dodley Lane to Medical Centre South side of bridge
18th January Dodsley Lane Corner of Dodsley Lane & Wheelbarrow Castle
8th February Easebourne Lane Corner of Easebourne Lane & Wheelbarrow Castle
22nd February High Path High Path by football pitch
1st March A286 from Hollist Lane North Corner of Hollist Lane & Dodsley Lane
8th March Wheelbarrow Castle Corner of Wheelbarrow Castle & Cowdray Road
Midhurst Green Volunteers – Dates for Working Parties to March 20252025-01-08T13:13:18+00:00

Pest Control Advice for Easebourne Residents

There have been increased reports of pest activity in the Parish in the last few months and as a result the Council has received the following form Chichester District Council to help advise concerned Parishioners.

Owners and property occupiers have a legal responsibility under the Prevention of Damage by Pests Act 1949 to keep land free of rats and mice, or if rats or mice are present in substantial numbers, to report infestations to the local authority.

Chichester District Council no longer provides a pest control service, so we recommend contact is made with a private pest control company to deal with any pest infestations. Further information is available on our website – Pest control – Chichester District Council

In order to control rats, further information is available at the following link – Pest Advice for Controlling Brown Rats

To prevent rat infestations, the following measures are recommended:

  • Pest treatments are available through High Street outlets, should a household choose to conduct their own baiting. However, the benefit from using an accredited contractor includes the stronger bait they are able to safely use and also the experience they bring.
  • Rats require three basic elements to exist; harbourage, water and food. Keeping gardens clear from rubbish and overgrown areas reduces harbourage.  The removal of bird feeding and open, unsecure, compost bin cuts down the availability of a food source.  If you have your own animals, it is essential that areas are kept clean and all food sources are secure.  Food should not be left out unattended.
  • Eliminate any harbourage points such as sealing gaps around pipes and under sheds; rats only need a gap of 15mm to gain entry.
  • Remove potential nesting sites by keeping yards and gardens clean and tidy, by cutting back overgrown areas and clearing any piles of wood/debris.
  • Ensure that drain inspection covers are in a good state of repair.
  • Cover any household waste where Brown Rats can get access to it, close dustbin lids and cover compost heaps.
  • If you feed garden birds, do not do this to excess and use a bird table or feeder basket if possible.
Pest Control Advice for Easebourne Residents2025-01-22T17:32:11+00:00

Green Volunteers do it again…

Did you spot the Midhurst Green Volunteers this weekend? 

Even if you didn’t see them in action, if you walk along High Path you can’t fail to notice what a difference a day makes! The Green Volunteers did an amazing job cutting back over a tonne of green waste all along High Path, from Dodsley Grove to the turning into Riverbank Surgery.

All this with only a handful of volunteers and it took them over 4 hours start to finish.

The team are back in Easebourne for the next 2 Saturdays, the 17th meeting at the corner of Wheelbarrow Castle and Dodsley Lane, and on the 24th meeting at the bottom of Hollist Lane to tackle the upper section of High Path. We could really do with some extra hands so if you can spare an hour or two on a Saturday morning please go along with a pair of gloves at the ready! They start from around 8am but if you’re not an early bird don’t worry, you can still join in a little later!

The full MGV schedule can be found here: Programme 2024 – Midhurst Green Volunteers

Green Volunteers do it again…2025-01-22T17:32:21+00:00

Woolbeding Re-imagined

The National Trust are running a drop-in session at the SDNP Memorial Hall in Midhurst on 20th March to enable people to find out about the Woolbeding Reimagined project and talk to the project team.

The event is open to everyone so please feel free to go along to find out more about what’s happening in your local area.

Woolbeding Re-imagined2024-03-14T19:04:08+00:00

Mass bulb planting

The Midhurst Green Volunteers have co-ordinated a project to buy and plant over 4000 bulbs in and around Easebourne and Midhurst in the next few weeks – which come spring will brighten up our verges, banks and numerous areas around our communities.

But to do this we need your help!

The planting sessions are on the 7th October and then again on the 14th October. There will be 2 teams, covering Easebourne and Midhurst on both of those dates.

Please check your diaries and come along for an hour if you can. The team will be meeting at 8am on both dates, at the corner of Hollist Lane and Canada Grove.. and at St Annes Hill.

Mass bulb planting2024-06-11T18:06:51+01:00

Friends of Easebourne Parish (FrEP) are now on social media!

The amazing FrEP team of volunteers are now on Instagram and Facebook! Search Friends of Easebourne Parish and follow them to see what they’ve been up to, out and about in the village tidying up, cutting back hedges, trimming verges, looking after our planters, picking litter.. the list goes on!

If you’d like to get involved in volunteering to help keep your community clean and tidy this year, please get in touch with frepsec@btinternet.com to register your interest or send them a message on their new social media pages!

Friends of Easebourne Parish (FrEP) are now on social media!2023-01-25T13:46:25+00:00

Thank You Friends of Easebourne Parish

Friends of Easebourne Parish have been very busy planting 11 Jubilee trees in Carbon Corner in Eastbourne Park. The trees form part of the community orchard and include varieties of apples, a quince, two pears and a cherry.

Thank you Sara Davies, Phil Stringer, Frank Davies, Ian Milne (who took the picture!) and Jon Clarke.

The group will shortly be planting daffodils and crocus in the Park all ready for Spring 2023.

Thank You Friends of Easebourne Parish2023-01-25T13:50:00+00:00

Midhurst Vision – last chance to comment

We understand from the Midhurst Vision Team that the feedback so far has been very positive but the more people who complete the very short survey the better – it is literally only 3 questions. The number of respondents may influence if/how much funding is available to make some of these proposals a reality.

• Please fill in the survey yourself if you haven’t already – it only takes 5 minutes
• Please email your friends and colleagues who live/work in or Midhurst or Easebourne or just visit Midhurst to do it too
• If you use social media please like/share posts from @midhurstvision or post the direct link to the online survey https://hooli-ltd.surveysparrow.com/s/midhurst-vision-consultation-oct-2022/tt-7456ad5b67
• If your own organisation/company has a website or database please share this request or email it to your staff

Midhurst Vision – last chance to comment2023-01-25T13:50:35+00:00