Parish Council Meetings

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Agenda: Published a minimum of 3 days before meeting

Parish Council meetings are open to the public unless the Parish resolves otherwise, in accordance with the Local Government Act 1972. All meetings are held at Easebourne CE Primary School, Wheelbarrow Castle. Please note if you arrive late to attend a meeting, call the Clerk on 07342 166 188 who will come and open the automatic doors for you.

Agendas are posted on notice boards & the website at least five clear working days prior to a meeting. To raise questions on the agenda feel free to contact our Clerk who is here to help, or attend the meeting in person.

Minutes of the previous meeting can be viewed on the website and remain in a DRAFT state until approved by Easebourne Parish Council or relevant committee at the subsequent meeting.

If you have any questions for the Parish Council or wish to make any suggestions and would prefer currently not to attend a meeting in person, you may submit your question or suggestion by contacting the Parish Clerk on 07342 166188 or by email to