Easebourne Park
All the latest news about the Park and future plans…
Learn how you can volunteer in your parish and read the latest updates.
Who does what
Find out which local authority is responsible for what…
What’s happening in and around your community…
Planning Consultation
Latest updates and news from the Parish Council Planning Committee…
Find out about climate emergency initiatives taking place in and around your community..
How we communicate with you, our parishioners through this website, newsletters, social media and door drops..
The finance committee oversee the budgets and spending of the Parish Council…
Parish Design Statement
The project to create a design statement to help influence future development within the Parish…
Our goals and latest projects for the highways in Easebourne parish.
Winter Management
Read about the steps we are taking to be prepared for the winter and weather.
Welcome to the Easebourne Parish Council Website
This site is regularly updated to keep Parish residents up to date on the work of the Council, the latest news and information within the Parish and to share important updates such as planning applications and scheduled meetings.
Featured posts
Latest news
Can you spare a few moments to help a local student?
The Parish Council was recently approached by a student at Durham University who lives locally. He is studying Geography and looking for some help with his dissertation research on Housing Developments within the South Downs National Park. If you think that you can spare the time to complete his [...]
Green Volunteers do it again…
Did you spot the Midhurst Green Volunteers this weekend? Even if you didn't see them in action, if you walk along High Path you can't fail to notice what a difference a day makes! The Green Volunteers did an amazing job cutting back over a tonne of green waste [...]
Friends of Easebourne Parish hard at work!
One of the warmest days of the year didn't stop the Friends of Easebourne Parish (FrEP) volunteers from doing a mass strim of areas in Easebourne Park. They were rewarded with a very welcome coffee and cake and have left the Park looking rather splendid! If you'd like to get [...]
Fete in the Park
A date for your diary in July! NEW for 2024 - Fete in the Park - an event organised by the PTFA and Easebourne Parish Council, taking place in Easebourne Park on Sunday 7th July from 11am until 3pm. Join us for live music in The Roundhouse, a dog [...]
Tiered Seating in the Park complete
As many may already have seen, the construction of tiered seating facing The Roundhouse in Easebourne Park has now been completed and is available for use! We hope you like the end result - offering a large amount of extra seating within the Park and commanding a great view too! [...]
Greenheal Swift Project Meeting – Thursday 30th May – 7pm – Cowdray Hall
Members of the public are invited to attend a meeting hosted by Greenheal to hear about how they can help the swift population that resides in the Parish.
Parish Clerk
Emma Tremaine
Tel: 07342 166188