What an amazing day we had in Easebourne Park last weekend for the combined PTA and Parish Council Fete in the Park! After a slightly damp start the sun shone, the people came out and much fun was had!
Live music from the B3’s and local super talented Ellie Baker, lots of raffles, tombola’s, BBQ, bar, Pimms, cakes and ice-cream. Children could go for a donkey ride, a go-cart race or a scooter experience! Fun races, a dog show and dance classes all took place in the Events corner.
A big BIG thank you to the PTA for all their hard work in pulling together the packed day, including the team of volunteers who showed up at 7.30am and stayed all day, the FrEP teams who set up, cleared up and litter picked and to everyone of course who visited and helped raise a huge amount of extra money for the School.
Same time next year we hope!!