Mass bulb planting

The Midhurst Green Volunteers have co-ordinated a project to buy and plant over 4000 bulbs in and around Easebourne and Midhurst in the next few weeks – which come spring will brighten up our verges, banks and numerous areas around our communities.

But to do this we need your help!

The planting sessions are on the 7th October and then again on the 14th October. There will be 2 teams, covering Easebourne and Midhurst on both of those dates.

Please check your diaries and come along for an hour if you can. The team will be meeting at 8am on both dates, at the corner of Hollist Lane and Canada Grove.. and at St Annes Hill.

Mass bulb planting2024-06-11T18:06:51+01:00

How safe do you feel in your community?

Community Safety Partnerships across West Sussex are asking residents how safe they feel in their local communities.

The online consultation, which launched on Monday 18 September, will be open to people of all ages to share their experiences of crime and anti-social behaviour in their local areas and will take around 10 minutes to complete.

The responses will allow the partnerships to further improve their understanding of the local communities and see whether their current priorities reflect the experiences of the residents living there.

Information from the consultation will be shared with the Safer West Sussex Partnership, which brings together the six district and borough Community Safety Partnerships, along with Sussex Police, the Sussex Police & Crime Commissioner, West Sussex Fire and Rescue, West Sussex County Council and other key agencies.

Mark Andrews, Chair of the Safer West Sussex Partnership, said: “The Community Safety consultation is an excellent opportunity for all residents of West Sussex to have their say on crime and anti-social behaviour in their local neighbourhood.

“It is a really important subject that affects everyone, and many people will have experienced or witnessed different issues in their surroundings, which they may or may not have reported.

“We hope that this consultation will give people the opportunity to have their say anonymously and help make their neighbourhood a safer place to live.”

Anyone without access to the internet, or who may struggle with filling in online forms, is encouraged to visit a West Sussex library, where free Wi-Fi and computers with internet access are available.

Library members may use the computers for free, for a maximum of two hours per day and if you are not a member, you can join on arrival at no cost.

Libraries also have Digital Volunteers available who offer free help in libraries and can support residents to complete the consultation. To arrange this, please contact the Library Digital Support team on 0330 222 3455 or

For those that would prefer a paper copy, this can be requested by calling 01243 777100 or emailing Paper copies will be supplied with a return free post envelope.

For your chance to have your say, visit, or your local West Sussex County Council library.

How safe do you feel in your community?2023-09-24T17:39:04+01:00

The NEW LOOK Easebourne Magazine has landed!

It’s here!

The new look Easebourne Magazine. Featuring brand new businesses, old favourites; MADhurst, What’s Ons,  Books, History,  Hampshire Open Studios, the King Edward VII Estate, Gardening, Church News, Parish Council News, Cowdray Estate, The Midhurst Society and much, much more.

If you subscribed to the previous version you would have already received it in your letterbox. But if not then it’s available now at Easebourne Stores and Cowdray Farm Shop. Full of useful information and contacts. If you’d like a copy or would like to subscribe (£6.00 a year within Easebourne or Midhurst) email

The NEW LOOK Easebourne Magazine has landed!2023-07-18T15:12:21+01:00

Ever wanted to get into Advertising?

As you may already know, our village magazine has a new Editor and Designer, but they are in need of someone to manage the advertising. We’re told this is not an onerous task. It involves contacting the regular advertisers each year to renew their adverts and handle any new ones that might come in with each issue.

At most, it’s a couple of hours work in an eight-week cycle.

If anyone can help please could you email:

Ever wanted to get into Advertising?2023-03-31T17:52:40+01:00

Parish Design Statement officially adopted by SDNPA

We are very pleased to be able to confirm that on 9 February 2023 the South Downs National Park Authority adopted the Easebourne Parish Design Statement as a Supplementary Planning Document (SDP).

This document sets out a framework of guidelines and principals relating to design matters against which future planning applications will be assessed. The Parish Council would like to thank the volunteers who worked so hard on this project over the last 3 years: without their persistence and determined endeavours, nothing would have been achieved.

You can download the adopted document here:

Parish Design Statement officially adopted by SDNPA2023-07-18T15:14:31+01:00

Friends of Easebourne Parish (FrEP) are now on social media!

The amazing FrEP team of volunteers are now on Instagram and Facebook! Search Friends of Easebourne Parish and follow them to see what they’ve been up to, out and about in the village tidying up, cutting back hedges, trimming verges, looking after our planters, picking litter.. the list goes on!

If you’d like to get involved in volunteering to help keep your community clean and tidy this year, please get in touch with to register your interest or send them a message on their new social media pages!

Friends of Easebourne Parish (FrEP) are now on social media!2023-01-25T13:46:25+00:00

West Sussex County Council – Bus Service Consultation

Enhanced Partnership Statutory Stakeholder Consultation

Dear Stakeholder,

In March 2021, the government published a new National Bus Strategy (Bus Back Better) which sets out its vision to dramatically improve bus services in England, reverse the shift in journeys away from public transport as a result of Covid-19 and encourage passengers back to buses.

Central to the strategy is the creation of Enhanced Partnerships, where local authorities, bus operators and other key stakeholders work together to develop and implement bus service improvements for local communities. The West Sussex Enhanced Partnership will set out how we will deliver the outcomes of our Bus Service Improvement Plan, published in October 2021 following engagement with the public, operators, and other key stakeholders.

Further to this engagement, we would now like to hear from organisations and individual stakeholders who have an interest in making bus services work better.

You can access the consultation questionnaire and supporting documents via the link below.

Please share your views by midnight on Tuesday 3 January 2023.

West Sussex County Council – Bus Service Consultation2023-01-25T13:48:11+00:00

Midhurst Vision – last chance to comment

We understand from the Midhurst Vision Team that the feedback so far has been very positive but the more people who complete the very short survey the better – it is literally only 3 questions. The number of respondents may influence if/how much funding is available to make some of these proposals a reality.

• Please fill in the survey yourself if you haven’t already – it only takes 5 minutes
• Please email your friends and colleagues who live/work in or Midhurst or Easebourne or just visit Midhurst to do it too
• If you use social media please like/share posts from @midhurstvision or post the direct link to the online survey
• If your own organisation/company has a website or database please share this request or email it to your staff

Midhurst Vision – last chance to comment2023-01-25T13:50:35+00:00