2nd February 2022 @ 7:30 am – 8:15 am
Easebourne CE Primary School
Wheelbarrow Castle

Easebourne Parish Council

Members of the Planning Committee are hereby summoned

to attend a Planning Committee Meeting

at 7.30pm on Wednesday 2nd February 2022 in

Easebourne CE Primary School, Wheelbarrow Castle, Easebourne                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           


The press and public have the right to attend and are welcome


1 Public Question Time

2 Apologies and Reasons for Absence

3 Code of Conduct

  1. Declarations of Interest on items included on the agenda
  2. Dispensation requests

4 Minutes of meeting (2nd January 2022)

5 Planning Applications:

Number Address Description
SDNP/21/05214/HOUS 1 Canada Grove, Easebourne Single storey rear extension with revised access to garden.
SDNP/21/06433/LIS The Chapel, Kings Drive, Easebourne Structural repair, refurbishment, and internal alterations to enable use for restaurant and retail (Class E).
SDNP/21/06432/FUL Land at Kings Green East, Land at Superintendent’s Drive & The Chapel King Edward VII Estate, Easebourne Comprehensive planning application to include a 2 No phases of Class C2 (Extra Care) development comprising of 84 units (Kind Green East) and 14 dwellings (Superintendent’s Drive), care facilities, internal and external communal amenity areas, car parking, landscaping and planting, refuse and recycling storage, pedestrian and vehicular access and links.  Structural repair, refurbishment, fit out and change of use for Restaurant and Retail (Class E) purposes the Grade II* listed former Chapel building.
SDNP/21/06111/HOUS Lamorna, 6 Dodsley Grove, Easebourne Rear single storey extension.
SDNP/21/06260/FUL Old Henley, The Lodge, Henley Old Road, Henley, Easebourne Demolition and replacement dwelling.

6 Date of Next Meeting: 7.30pm, Wednesday 2nd March 2022


Clerk to the Parish Council                                                         Clerk – S. Hurr, 1 Pennicott Road, Bersted, West Sussex PO21 5AY