6th October 2021 @ 7:30 pm – 8:30 pm
Easebourne CE Primary School
Wheelbarrow Castle

Easebourne Parish Council


Members of the Planning Committee are hereby summoned

to attend a Planning Committee Meeting

at 7.30pm on Wednesday 6th October 2021 in Easebourne CE Primary School



1 Public Question Time

2 Apologies and Reasons for Absence

3 Code of Conduct

  1. Declarations of Interest on items included on the agenda
  2. Dispensation requests

4 Minutes of meeting (4th August 2021 {September 2021 meeting cancelled})

5 Planning Applications (one Licensing Application): (further applications may be added to a supplementary agenda)

Number Address Description
SDNP/2104043/FUL Recreation Ground and Allotment Gardens, Egmont Road, Easebourne Erection of 20 dwellings with access, parking and landscaping following demolition and site preparation
SDNP/2104040/FUL Cowdray Works Yard, Easebourne Lane, Easebourne Hybrid Application: Full – Erection of 20 dwellings with associated access, parking and landscaping following demolition and site preparation; and Outline – construction of up to 1,500sq.m of commercial use (Class E(a), (Eb) and E(g)(i) Uses only) with matters reserved
SDNP/2104042/LIS Easebourne Primary School, Easebourne Street, Easebourne Works to change the use of the core of former school building to three dwellings, demolition of mid to late 20th century rear extensions and outbuildings, and associated development
SDNP/2104041/FUL Easebourne Primary School, Easebourne Street, Easebourne Erection of 20 dwellings, including conversion of former school building, with associated access, parking and landscaping following demolition and site preparation.
SDNP/21/03095/HOUS Merok, Dodsley Grove, Easebourne Single storey extension to the rear of the property.
SDNP/21/04669/HOUS Budgenor Cottage, A286, Hollist Lane to Winters Lane, Easebourne Proposed extension of garage and new roof construction to add an additional bay providing habitable accommodation.
21/01348/LAPRE Cowdray Park, Easebourne New Premises Licence


6 Date of Next Meeting: 7.30pm, Wednesday 3rd November 2021


Sharon Hurr

Clerk to the Parish Council                                                         Clerk – S. Hurr, 1 Pennicott Road, Bersted, West Sussex PO21 5AY