28th September 2022 @ 7:30 pm – 9:00 pm
Easebourne CE Primary School
Wheelbarrow Castle


Members of the Parish Council are hereby summoned to attend a meeting of Easebourne Parish Council on

Wednesday 28th September 2022 at 7.30pm in Easebourne CE Primary School, Easebourne


Public & Press have a right and are welcome to attend

1     Visitors questions

       (Ten minutes are available for the public to express a view or ask questions about any item on the Agenda)

2     Midhurst Vision Project Update

3     Report from District Councillor

4     Report from County Councillor

5     Apologies for Absence

6     Declarations of interests in any matters on agenda

7     Confirmation of minutes of meeting held 13th July 2022 and review of actions

8     Chairman’s Report

9     Correspondence and invitations received

10   Reports from the Committees, Working Parties and External Meetings

  1. Communications & Environment Committee (Communications {Volunteering and Staffing}, Easebourne Park, Highways, Footpaths and Emergencies and Winter Planning): See minutes of 27th July 2022
  2. Finance Committee: See minutes of 3rd August and 7th September 2022
  3. Planning Committee (King Edward VII Liaison): See item 12
  4. Parish Design Statement
  5. Parish Environment Group

11    Finance:  

  1. To note payments made
  2. To note payments received

12    Planning:

Number Address Detail Easebourne PC Consultee Comments


Cowdray Ruins, North Street, Midhurst Temporary accessible ramp to access Cowdray Ruins. No objection


The Refectory, The Priory, Easebourne Lane, Easebourne Notification of intention to fell 1 no. Magnolia tree.


Object, but would support crown thinning /lifting/reducing



Middleton Lodge, Easebourne Lane, Easebourne


Demolition and replacement rear extensions, erection of bay window to side elevation and replacement outbuilding. No objection, providing Dark Skies policy is observed by fitment of blinds and recommendations regarding bats are fulfilled.

13    Review of Document Retention Policy, and Health & Safety Policy

14    Dates for next meetings:

                  Wednesday, 5th October 2022

                  7.00pm Finance Committee Meeting

                  7.30pm Planning Committee Meeting

                  Wednesday, 2nd November 2022

                  7.00pm Finance Committee Meeting

                  7.30pm Planning Committee Meeting

                  Wednesday, 9th November 2022

                  7.30pm Easebourne Parish Council Meeting

                  Communications and Environment Committee TBA


Clerk to the Parish Council

Clerk – S. Hurr, 1 Pennicott Road, Bersted, West Sussex PO21 5AY