12th January 2022 @ 7:30 pm – 9:00 pm
Easebourne CE Primary School
Wheelbarrow Castle


Members of the Parish Council are hereby summoned to attend the Meeting of Easebourne Parish Council

On Wednesday 12th January 2022 at 7.30pm at

Easebourne CE Primary School, Wheelbarrow Castle, Easebourne  


Public & Press have a right and are welcome to attend

  1. Visitors’ questions

(Ten minutes are available for the public to express a view or ask questions about any item on the agenda)

  1. Apologies and Reasons for Absence
  2. Report from District Councillor
  3. Report from County Councillor
  4. Chairman’s Report
  5. Declarations of interests in any matters on agenda
  6. Confirmation of minutes of meetings held: 10th November 2021
  7. Correspondence and invitations received
  8. Reports from the Committees (and Working Parties until new Committee regime fully established)
  1. Communications & Environment Committee

(Communications {Volunteering and Staffing}, Easebourne Park, Highways, Footpaths,

and Emergencies and Winter Planning)

  1. Finance Committee (matters not included in item 10)
  2. Planning Committee (King Edward VII Liaison)
  3. Parish Design Statement

10     Finance:  

  1. To note payments made
  2. To note payments received

        11    Planning:

Number Address Detail Easebourne PC Consultee Comments
SDNP/20/03861/HOUS 4 Fox Road, Easebourne Single storey rear and side extension No objection but draw attention to the Dark Skies policy in relation to two Velux windows.


Land North of Moor Farm, Cowdray Park, Easebourne


1 no. directional roadside signage


No objection.


Ramshill, Easebourne Street, Easebourne


Notification of intention to fell 1 no. Common Beech tree (T1), 1 no. Douglas Fir tree (T2) and 2 no. Lawson Cypress trees (T3 & T4).


Objection on grounds that trees should only be felled if condition is poor.


11 Hurst Park, Easebourne


Proposed annex and revised parking with amended landscaping.


No objection.


Henley Hill House, Henley Old Road, Henley, Easebourne


Replacement single storey side extension.


No objection, but support recommendations regarding Bat Survey Report and those of Environment Officer regarding nesting birds and hedgehogs. 

        12    Draft Budget 2022-23

        13    Dates for next meetings all at Easebourne CE Primary School

Wednesday 2nd February 2022

7.00pm Finance Committee Meeting

7.30pm Planning Committee Meeting

Wednesday, 2nd March 2022

7.00pm Finance Committee Meeting

7.30pm Planning Committee Meeting

Wednesday 9th March 2022

7.30pm Easebourne Parish Council Meeting

To note: date for Communications & Environment Committee to be confirmed


Clerk to the Parish Council                                                         Clerk – S. Hurr, 1 Pennicott Road, Bersted, West Sussex PO21 5AY