5th January 2022 @ 7:30 pm – 8:00 pm
Easebourne CE Primary School
Wheelbarrow Castle

Easebourne Parish Council


Members of the Planning Committee are hereby summoned

to attend a Planning Committee Meeting

at 7.30pm on Wednesday 5th January 2022 in

Easebourne CE Primary School, Wheelbarrow Castle, Easebourne




1 Public Question Time

2 Apologies and Reasons for Absence

3 Code of Conduct

  1. Declarations of Interest on items included on the agenda
  2. Dispensation requests

4 Minutes of meeting (1st December 2021)

5 Planning Applications:


Number Address Description
SDNP/21/05415/LIS 3 River Ground Stables, Visitor Centre, Easebourne Lane, Easebourne Minor alterations to the building, create a single toilet and store
SDNP/21/04685/HOUS 8 Brackenwood, Easebourne Proposed singe storey rear extension timber orangery (amendment to permission SDNP/18/00663/HOUS)
SDNP/21/06158/TCA Henley Hill House, Henley Old Road, Henley, Easebourne Notification to fell 1 no. Western Red Cedar tree (quoted as T1)
SDNP/21/06045/FUL Conifers School Egmont Road, Easebourne Tree house classroom
SDNP/21/06365/CDN Cowdray Park A272, Easebourne Street to Heath End Lane, Easebourne Variation of conditions 2 (plans), 16 (materials), 18 (Landscaping) and 28 (lighting) relating to planning approval: SDNP/20/03650/CND (variation of original consent 20/01693), to allow for the new position of unit 4



6 Date of Next Meeting: 7.30pm, Wednesday 2nd February 2022


Clerk to the Parish Council                                                         Clerk – S. Hurr, 1 Pennicott Road, Bersted, West Sussex PO21 5AY