Class 2 – What we spend and how we spend it

Financial information relating to projected and actual income and expenditure, procurement, contracts and financial audit

Use the Web Link “Click” button to navigate to the page where available. To order a printout and any additional information we may have, go to the order form page.

2023/24 Link
Notice of Public Rights Click
AGAR Submission – UNAUDITED Click
2022/23 Web Link
Annual Governance and Accountability Return (Annual Return)

Variance Table

External Auditor’s Certificate




Notice of Public Rights
Notice of Conclusion of Public Rights
Finalised budget (included in minutes) Click
Precept (included in minutes) Click
Standing Orders Click
Financial Regulations Click
Grants given and received (included in minutes) Click
List of current contracts awarded and value of contract (included in minutes) Click
Members’ allowances and expenses (Chairman only) (included in minutes) Click