There have been increased reports of pest activity in the Parish in the last few months and as a result the Council has received the following form Chichester District Council to help advise concerned Parishioners.
Owners and property occupiers have a legal responsibility under the Prevention of Damage by Pests Act 1949 to keep land free of rats and mice, or if rats or mice are present in substantial numbers, to report infestations to the local authority.
Chichester District Council no longer provides a pest control service, so we recommend contact is made with a private pest control company to deal with any pest infestations. Further information is available on our website – Pest control – Chichester District Council
In order to control rats, further information is available at the following link – Pest Advice for Controlling Brown Rats
To prevent rat infestations, the following measures are recommended:
- Pest treatments are available through High Street outlets, should a household choose to conduct their own baiting. However, the benefit from using an accredited contractor includes the stronger bait they are able to safely use and also the experience they bring.
- Rats require three basic elements to exist; harbourage, water and food. Keeping gardens clear from rubbish and overgrown areas reduces harbourage. The removal of bird feeding and open, unsecure, compost bin cuts down the availability of a food source. If you have your own animals, it is essential that areas are kept clean and all food sources are secure. Food should not be left out unattended.
- Eliminate any harbourage points such as sealing gaps around pipes and under sheds; rats only need a gap of 15mm to gain entry.
- Remove potential nesting sites by keeping yards and gardens clean and tidy, by cutting back overgrown areas and clearing any piles of wood/debris.
- Ensure that drain inspection covers are in a good state of repair.
- Cover any household waste where Brown Rats can get access to it, close dustbin lids and cover compost heaps.
- If you feed garden birds, do not do this to excess and use a bird table or feeder basket if possible.