The sum of your knowledge on a particular subject is your understanding of it. This may change or deepen as you learn more. But being an understanding person doesn`t require a lot of learning – you have to open your heart to appreciate what someone else is feeling or experiencing. If someone says, “I thought we understood,” you must have done something unexpected. Here, understanding means “an agreement”. They have even contributed to our understanding of the human genome. A better understanding of these metrics will help you measure the success of your campaign and define your goal. Physicians are using the language of AI, natural language understanding, and virtual conversation agents created with patient health data to document care and access real-time diagnostic advice. Being understanding means being compassionate with someone`s needs. Understanding a concept means that you understand it. You may understand that your mom will always drive you to school if you miss the bus. Encyclopedia article on understanding These workers entrust their savings to plan investment managers, with the understanding that these hard-earned dollars are invested wisely and responsibly. To this end, we should publish the annual percentage of our research portfolios dedicated to improving understanding of social determinants, their effects on health and, most importantly, intervention.

before the 12th century in sense 1.