Provide news, research, resources and strategies on topics related to the range of wellness issues in the legal profession. Sign up to receive newsletters The report, A Profession at Risk, has been published and can be consulted at Each VSB member will receive $30 which will be used to: (1) the significantly expanded Judges and Lawyers Assistance Program, Virginia CLE`s creation of a Wellness CLE library that will be free to all VSB members, and (3) hiring a Wellness Coordinator at SCV to promote wellness in the bar and law schools. Virginia continues to lead states in addressing welfare in the legal profession. In addition to conferences, continuing education programs, and workshops, Virginia`s 8 law schools are participating in a law student wellness workshop, and VLWI and VJLAP have deployed new employees to expand the virtual reach. IWIL is dedicated to improving advocacy by focusing on a holistic approach to wellness. Through advocacy, research, education, technical support and resources, and stakeholder partnerships, he is committed to leading a cultural shift in law to establish health and wellness at the heart of career success. Continuous innovation to provide evidence-based education, strategies, tools and resources to protect and promote well-being in the legal profession. Counseling on behavioral health and substance use disorders. A focus on parity in mental health and addictions. Equity.

Act and related State laws and regulations. Will work together in all capacities to provide sound and actionable legal advice for. The Kansas Task Force on Lawyer Welfare ( leads the state`s initiatives. It was founded in 2019 and has since implemented many of the recommendations in the National Task Force report. These recommendations include special attention to DCI in many wellness programs and projects, as well as outreach to individual lawyers and small law firms with a solo and small law firm training toolkit. The task force also launched a national survey on well-being in spring 2021 and continues to collect data. Targeted research to continually improve our understanding of and improvement of wellness in the legal profession. The publication of the report led to a national movement among advocacy stakeholders to take action to improve well-being. In December 2020, the Institute for Welfare in Law (IWIL) was established to continue the movement started by the National Working Group. Promote policies to promote well-being in the legal profession through collaboration at institutional, state, national and global levels. The report of the National Task Force sparked a wave of concern and action across the country. Click on a state on the map for more details on what task forces and state commissions are doing to promote flourishing in the legal profession.

Contact Heidi Alexander, Director, SJC Standing Committee on Lawyer Wellness, 617-865-5777; Stacey Best, Mass. LAP, 617-482-9600, In addition, TF has created a website for judicial welfare: Pennsylvania has a multidisciplinary working group composed of members from: (1) the judiciary, (2) law firms, (3) all law schools, (4) associations such as the Bar Council, Client Safety, Bar Examiners, the Disciplinary Council, and the Bar Association, and (5) industry; At that time, it was mainly people who provided insurance to the legal industry. The New Mexico Welfare Committee was formed in early 2020. The current co-chairs are Sean Fitzpatrick and Bonnie Stepleton. In the meantime, three subcommittees have been formed to work on various wellness projects for lawyers. The “What a healthy avocado looks like” campaign was launched in 2021. This includes monthly podcasts, bulleted articles, and support groups. JWell Now was founded in September 2020 to focus on content and education for the welfare of justice. Funds have been raised for a judicial welfare coordinator who will be responsible for judicial welfare efforts in New Mexico.

The Cleveland Metropolitan Bar Association (CMBA) also has a Mental Health and Wellness Committee chaired by Awatef Assad. Visit their website at CMBA`s work has focused on institutionalizing the well-being of CMBA lawyers and the legal profession and providing a roadmap for successors. They restructured the mental health and wellness committee to be proactive and focus on prevention, formed the student advisory committee, endorsed the ABA`s wellness commitment, and partnered with the internationally renowned Cleveland Clinic for an e-coaching program. “The legal industry is extremely demanding and the needs of our clients and the technologically connected world we live in are putting increasing pressure on professionals – lawyers and business professionals. The industry must strive to help our talents stay healthy and healthy.