For the latest updates on COVID-19, please visit the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. You can update or close your account(s) online for the following taxes: BIRT, salary, NPT, earnings, spirits, SIT, beverages and tobacco. You must log in to the Philadelphia Tax Center to update or close accounts. All calls in our office are answered live during check-in hours (21:30 – 13:00) and forwarded to a check-in agent for a callback on the same business day. After-hours calls will be returned the next business day. Callers can reach us at 215-587-9377 or 267-520-0024. Support requests can also be made online at We will respond to online inquiries within eight business hours. Clients can be consulted by appointment in our offices.

We require our employees to be fully vaccinated. Employees and customers are strongly advised to wear a mask throughout the customer`s visit. Visit our coronavirus bulletin board for updates on benefits. Be careful, stay safe. You can also use this printable form to update or close a municipal tax account. Legal service providers often face the challenge of providing complex and evolving legal advice to a variety of people. This disclaimer is a regular publication of Ballard Spahr LLP and is intended to inform recipients of new developments in the law. It should not be construed as legal advice or legal advice on specific facts or circumstances.

The content is provided for informational purposes only, and you are encouraged to consult your own attorney about your situation and any specific legal issues you may have. Follow the latest CDC guidelines for updated isolation and quarantine times. If an adult legally wants to change their name, an application must be filed with the Court of Common Pleas; There is a filing fee of $333.23 that the court can waive if you can prove you have a low income, however, there are usually publication fees that the court cannot waive. The court will then decide at a hearing whether the name change will be approved. In special cases, we may refer a name change case to a pro bono lawyer to assist us in the process. Plus, we have a self-help guide that will walk you through the step-by-step process when you change your name. We are here for all Philadelphians to provide reliable information and compassionate legal advocacy. If there is a parent who disagrees with the name change, one of the parents must appeal to the Court of Common Pleas. The procedures and forms for applying for a name change for a child are similar to those for an adult.

However, the parent or legal guardian applying for a change of the minor`s name must prove to the courts that the change is in the minor`s best interests. Last updated: 19 October 2022 Last updated: 19 October 2022 We are able to provide basic legal aid services to Philadelphians in need with the generous support of our donors and supporters. Help us start the new year with a gift of justice. Using the legal name change process, our new initiative helps people confirm their true identity. Our annual report reflects the year 2020 and explains how the PLA has leveraged its strengths to develop creative and innovative solutions to the challenges of the global pandemic. The City of Philadelphia has issued several emergency orders during the COVID-19 pandemic. Masks are highly recommended in indoor public spaces. Click here for the full list of our criminal records services, including: Search for benefits, employment and cancellations The Philadelphia Department of Public Health is sending text messages and emails to contact people who have recently been tested for COVID-19.

“Our doors are always open. We are ready to sit down and listen to what you have to say. We need you to help us, to help you. Bill 220843 would amend the VDO, Fifth District Overlay, to establish new affordability requirements for housing projects of 10 or more units. The affordability provisions, which would require 20 per cent of on-site housing to be available as affordable for people earning 60 per cent of the region`s median income (AMI), would apply to certain properties along Broad Street, 13th Street and 15th Street between John F. Kennedy Blvd. to the south and Roosevelt Blvd. to the north. A hearing on Bill 220843 has not yet been scheduled.

Invoice No. 220414, which amended the landscaping and tree requirements of the On-Site Zoning Code and is summarized below, was published on June 23, 2022. In October, L&I published regulations to reflect the changes imposed by Bill 220414. The following summary contains, where applicable, recently adopted L&I regulations. Our community and gun violence prevention initiatives are designed to proactively connect the community to resources that address the root causes of crime. Click here to see the full list of employment-related topics we help our clients with. The 50-year-old woman, who was living with HIV, was on the verge of homelessness. “Betty” had sublet a room in West Philadelphia to a friend who had not paid the landlord. The owner received a judgment against the friend who left before the eviction. After using her Social Security benefits to pay the rent, Betty couldn`t. The Ballard Spahr Zoning and Land Use team continues to oversee all aspects of the land use approval process in Philadelphia, including zoning and building permitting, building regulations, and zoning and land use legislation at City Council.

You must inform the Treasury if you: Although each criminal case is different, most follow a common path. Our Victim and Witness Coordinators can accompany you and your family every step of the way. Call 215-587-9377 or 267-520-0024, Monday to Friday, 9 a.m. to 5 a.m. Bilingual staff available. We also make home and hospital visits. Submit an online registration form and we will get back to you within 8 business hours. The amended L&I regulations, which set out the criteria for changes to building permits, came into force on October 24, 2022. The amended criteria will apply to all building permit amendment applications received after October 24, 2022. Click here to see how we can help you with utilities, LIHEAP and weatherization. Click here to see the full list of utilities we support our clients with (including SNAP, health insurance, etc.). As more information becomes available from the CDC, specific guidelines for individuals and the above settings will be posted on this website.

Individuals are invited to complete a short survey to help the Philadelphia Department of Public Health better understand and monitor the spread of COVID-19 in Philadelphia. The questions cover demographic details as well as recent activities and exhibitions. Participation is voluntary. The individual invitation to the survey link is made from the telephone number 1-855-270-3571. At its October 20 meeting, the municipal council introduced the following Bill 220843: Obtaining identity documents is often a circular route. To get a birth certificate, you will need a Social Security card. To get a Social Security card, you will need photo ID. To get photo ID, you will need a birth certificate.

Fortunately, a lawyer with their own photo ID and attorney`s license can get a birth certificate for one. If both biological parents on the child`s birth certificate agree to the name change, they can complete and sign the form on the back of their child`s birth certificate. The form is then sent to the Department of Vital Statistics with a fee of $20. The Civil Registry Department sends the parents a new birth certificate with the child`s new name. To: Ballard Spahr Real Estate Clients and colleagues All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a data retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, including electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the author and publisher.