The Bank`s Board of Directors has approved various guidelines for the conduct of the Bank`s activities and for meeting regulatory requirements. The guidelines and codes issued by the Banking Codes and Standards Board of India [BCSBI] have also been adopted and implemented by the bank. Mandatory disclosures comply with regulatory requirements. These guidelines/codes/disclosures are now presented here for all interested individuals and institutions in accordance with applicable regulatory requirements. Any person or survivor: If the account is in the name of two or more persons, such as A, B&C, the final balance, plus interest, if any, will be paid to one of the account holders, i.e. A or B or C, on the due date. Upon the death of an account holder, say A, the final balance, plus interest, if any, will be paid to two of the surviving account holders, i.e. B or C. In the event of the death of two account holders, say A and B, the final balance, as well as interest, if any, will be transferred to the surviving account holder, i.e. C. Deposit accounts opened in the joint name of two or more persons have the mandate to dispose of the balance of the account on the due date and/or the death of one or more co-depositors. These mandates are as follows: Either or survivor: If the account is in the name of two persons, A&B, the final balance, plus interest, if any, will be paid to one of the account holders, either A or B, on the due date or to the survivor upon the death of one of the account holders.