Maurya and his advisor Chanakya jointly built one of the largest empires on the Indian subcontinent. [3] [33] [101] The Chandragupta Empire stretched from Bengal to central Afghanistan and included most of the Indian subcontinent, with the exception of what is now Tamil Nadu, Kerala, and Odisha. [102] [33] Here, during the reign of the king among the Greeks, Kambojas, Nabhakas, Nabhapamkits, Bhojas, Pitinikas, Andhras and Palidas, everywhere people follow the instructions of the beloved of the gods in the Dharma. In many ways, the economic situation of the Maurya Empire is analogous to that of the Roman Empire several centuries later. Both had extensive business relationships and both had organizations that resembled businesses. While Rome had organizational units that were mainly used for public state projects, Mauryan India had many private commercial facilities. These existed only for private trade and developed before the Maurya Empire itself. [112] Well, in ancient times, there were (officers) called Mahamatras of morality not before. Mahdmatra`s morality was named by me (when I had been anointed for thirteen years). These are busy with all sects to establish morality, promote morality and for the welfare and happiness of those who have devoted themselves (even) to morality among the Greeks, Cambodians and Gandharas and all other Western border workers (of me). However, Ashoka`s edicts reflect the wishes of the rulers rather than actual events; The mention of a fine of 100 “panas” (coins) for poaching deer in royal hunting reserves shows that there were offenders. The legal restrictions were contrary to the practices freely practiced by ordinary people in hunting, slaughter and fishing and arson in forests. [128] In this edict, Asoka condemns glory and glory and affirms that the only glory he desires is for his subjects to follow the principles of the Dhamma.

Ashoka`s fame is largely due to its edicts of pillars and rocks, which allowed it to reach a wide audience and leave a lasting historical trace. He will be remembered as an exemplary ruler who controls a vast and diverse Maurya empire through peace and respect, with the Dharma at the center of his ideology. The Mauryas have developed certain forest areas strategically or economically and have introduced restrictions and control measures on them. They regarded all forest trunks with suspicion and controlled them with corruption and political submission. They used some of them, foragers or aranya to guard borders and catch animals. The sometimes tense and conflictual relations nevertheless allowed the Mauryas to protect their vast empire. [128] This clearly shows that the Dhamma was a secular teaching. Of this great rock edict, as well as the other great rock edicts, we can mention the main characteristics of the Dhamma: Despite his deep commitments to Buddhism, he never intended to impose this belief on his subjects, nor to abandon or discriminate against other religions and sects in favor of Buddhism. Paul Dundas, a specialist in Jain studies and Sanskrit, says the Svetambara tradition of Jainism challenges ancient Digambara legends.

According to a text by the fifth-century Jain Svetambara, the Digambara sect of Jainism was founded 609 years after Mahavira`s death or in the first century AD. [140] The Digambaras wrote their own versions and legends after the fifth century, with their first expanded digambara version of the sectarian split within Jainism emerging in the tenth century. [140] The Svetambaras texts describe that Bhadrabahu was stationed in the third century BC. AD near the Nepalese foothills of the Himalayas, which did not move south or travel with Chandragupta Maurya; he died rather near Patliputra, according to the Jains of Svetambara. [15] [141] [142] Ashoka implemented the principles of ahimsa by prohibiting hunting and violent sports activities and ending contracts and forced labor (several thousand people in war-torn Kalinga had been forced into forced labor and servitude). While maintaining a large and powerful army to maintain peace and authority, Ashoka developed friendly relations with states in Asia and Europe and sponsored Buddhist missions. He undertook an extensive public works campaign across the country. More than 40 years of peace, harmony and prosperity have made Ashoka one of the most prosperous and famous monarchs in Indian history. He remains an idealized figure of inspiration in modern India. [ref. needed] Ashoka was replaced by a succession of weaker kings for 50 years.