Provided that a day fixed in a resolution of the Assembly in accordance with paragraph 1 of Standing Order No. 100 (Scottish Grand Committee (meetings)) at which proceedings are to be adjourned five hours or more after the beginning of the sitting if, on that date, no matter other than those to which this order applies is determined for consideration: shall be considered as two days for the purposes of this Order. (1) Except as otherwise provided in this Order, Government business shall take precedence at each meeting. If the agenda for consideration of a bill, as amended, has been read by a Committee of the Whole of the House, the plenary shall consider it without question, unless the responsible Member sets a later date for its consideration or a request is made to link the bill in whole or in part. (b)report to the plenary on its resolution(s) and, if a request is made to deal with such a report, the matter shall be raised without delay and, upon consideration of the report, the question shall be immediately raised “that this Assembly agrees with the committee in its resolution(s)” and, if approved: such a resolution has the effect of being an order of the House. (2) For each proposed order referred to in subsection 1 (i), the Committee shall consider the Minister`s recommendation in accordance with section 15 (1) of the Act on the procedure to be applied to the Minister and report to Parliament on any recommendation under the Act that another procedure be applied. (5) The subjects to which this order relates may be announced ten days before the day of the meeting at which they are to be made, 3.Executive Agreements – Rules of Procedure Relating to Personnel, Procedures and Business 4. A Minister of the Crown who makes a statement under clause (1) of this Order and who is not a Member of Parliament may not do so from the body of the Committee; and shall not vote, move a motion or be counted as a quorum. (11) Section 9 of Procedure By-law No. 83O applies to a decision made under subsection (10) on a matter such as that applicable to a decision made under subsection (7) of this decision on an application. 3. A member shall indicate in the notification of each question whether it is oral or written, and a member may indicate a date for replying to a question for written answer in accordance with paragraph 4 of this decision. (a)the order in which requests for consent are to be dealt with is as follows: where a special committee or subcommittee is of the opinion that the presence of a particular Member of the House to whom the public has not been appointed at a meeting or part of a meeting of a particular Member of the House to which the public is not appointed, would interfere with the work of the Committee, it has the power to order the immediate resignation of the member; and the Sergeant-at-Arms shall act in accordance with such directions as he may receive from the Chair of the Committee in pursuance of this Order.

(4) For the purposes of this Order, requests for instructions to committees on bills, motions for binding or rebinding bills and motions relating to the procedure relating to bills shall be treated as amendments under subsection (1). (2) On the day after his election at the beginning of a new Parliament, the Speaker shall inform the chairmen of each party represented in the House of Representatives of the proportion of Chairs of special committees to be elected in that order, which shall be attributable to each of those parties and shall reflect the composition of the House. (a)that request remains in force pending the completion of a procedure on the draft law which, in accordance with the programme rules, must be completed at or before that time; and (2) No question may be taken more than one hour after the sitting of the House, except for a question which is not on the Orders of the Day but which, in the opinion of the Speaker, is of an urgent nature and relates either to matters of public interest or to the disposition of business. 2. The Committee has the power to request persons, documents and documents; and notwithstanding any adjournment of the plenary. (a)may contain provisions amending or supplementing a sequence of programs in relation to the invoice; (2) By-law No. 38 (Breakdown Procedure) applies (and this Order does not apply) to the following matters: (10) A Minister of the Crown may refer to a Public Bills Committee any application that may have been the subject of a decision by the Program Subcommittee; For the purposes of this Order, the application shall be treated as if it were in the spirit of a decision of the Programme Sub-Committee, provided that the proceedings relating to such a request shall be terminated if a member of the Committee objects. (a) The order must be approved as originally submitted to Parliament. or (4) For the purposes of this Order, the following “largest” and “largest” opposition parties in Scotland are those parties which are not represented in Her Majesty`s Government and which do not include the Leader of the Opposition, which have the largest number and largest number of Members representing constituencies in Scotland, and at least three members of whom were elected to the House of Representatives as members of those parties. (b)the procedures provided for in the Rules of Procedure of this Assembly, which provide that the procedures, even in the event of rejection, may be decided after the expiry of the time limit for the examination of objections; 6. The Committee shall have the power to order the presence of a member before the Committee and to require that certain documents or records held by a Member be referred to the Committee or a Sub-Committee in the course of its investigations.

(4) A draft law on which a report has been prepared in accordance with subsection 3 shall be ordered to be read a second time at a later date. (5) If, on the expiry of two weeks after the Queen`s Speech, no motion has been made on behalf of the Chairs of all parties entitled to one or more Chairs of Select Committees, who shall be elected in that order determining to which party each of those Chairs is assigned, the Speaker shall give, on the day following the sitting, priority shall be given to a subsequent request by a Member for the appointment of the President in that order. and paragraphs 3 and 4 shall apply to the procedure relating to such a request. (g) No member may stand for election to more than one President elected in that order. In respect of private bills, interim ordinance bills and bills introduced under the Private Legislation Procedure Act 1936 (Scotland) or the Statutory Orders (Special Procedure) Act 1945, the Rules of Procedure apply to public funds, subject to the exceptions provided for in the Standing Orders of this House in respect of private companies. (4) If, on second reading, a committee has submitted a report to the plenary session on a draft law submitted to it in accordance with paragraph 2, it is ordered that the draft law be read a second time at a later date. (b)the bill shall be read for the first time in the courtroom as the day after the hearing and, in accordance with these rules, it shall be noted for printing and for second reading on the day designated by the Member.