Each MMP must have procedures in place to ensure that customers are aware of their regulatory position and the activities we regulate and which we do not. See Article 7.2 (c) of the Law Firms Code containing paragraph 8.10 of the Code of Lawyers, LER and RFL. By authorized person, we mean a natural person referred to in § 18(1)(a) LSA, who is entitled to engage in one or more reserved lawful activities. Answering a variety of frequently asked questions to help you determine whether or not you are engaged in financial services activities, by whom you should be regulated and what information you should provide to us. Regulated financial services activities are defined and explained in Part 2 of the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000 (FSMA). Since the financial services activities derive from or complement the service you provide to your client and are related to the legal/professional activities of the firm, you can rely on Part 20 and therefore fall into the ETH category. Mediation (formation) of regulated mortgage contracts This is a non-exclusive list of activities that we consider to be an integral part of the reserved legal or immigration activity and are therefore regulated by us: The SRA clearing insurance rules require the CDM to insure the SRA-regulated activity under a qualified insurance policy that meets the minimum requirements of the SRA. However, we will consider requests for exemptions on a case-by-case basis when other acceptable arrangements can be made and in accordance with our guidelines for granting exemptions. This may be the case, for example, if a potential CDM has adequate and adequate insurance that covers all of their work, which now includes SRA-regulated work, and there are significant benefits to having a single insurer throughout the body.

Your client has recently been placed on indefinite leave in the UK and is looking for help settling in and finding accommodation. You contact a mortgage broker on behalf of your client to arrange for your client, as a borrower, to enter into a regulated mortgage agreement. If, on the basis of your assessment, you are convinced that you can rely on Part 20 (as an EPF) and comply with the scope and COB rules, you must inform us and confirm your company`s financial activities. If you carry out a regulated activity that is outside the scope of our scheme and you are not authorised by the FCA, you may be committing a criminal offence. It is therefore imperative that you understand what activities can be undertaken if you rely on our rules and those that are not. In addition, as PBO, we are committed to keeping the FCA informed about how we monitor and regulate the EPF. We need to inform the FCA.” the number of professional enterprises exempted… ” and ” . the extent and scope of exempt regulated activities carried out by their exempt professional firms . ».

If you think your business is engaged in regulated financial services activities, you can use our interactive decision support tool to decide what type of approval you need. KPMG LLP is a multidisciplinary firm authorised and regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority (SRA). An SRA-regulated activity is a service provided by KPMG LLP to a client regulated by the SRA. If we provide services to a client that are regulated by the SRA, we will notify that client in writing, specifying the specific services subject to SRA regulation and the impact of that regulation. COB rules govern how companies carry out such exempted regulated activities – certain important requirements must be met when carrying out insurance or consumer credit distribution activities. Yes. The way partner companies work and the activities they carry out are diverse. Therefore, if the partner companies are themselves authorized entities, they must refer to the FSMA allows companies to carry out certain financial activities if they: In these circumstances, although the work is not an SRA-regulated activity within the approved entity, the SRA Principles and the Code of Conduct for Lawyers, the LRAs and FRLs apply to the participation of a lawyer, ROE or RFL. In order for companies to be able to rely on Part 20, we need rules that govern the execution of financial services activities regulated by the ETH. We are satisfied that the requesting firm has so far successfully provided this service outside the Legal Services Regulation without consumer protection issues and has put in place appropriate arrangements to refer the client to the legal team (for example, if the issue becomes controversial or if there is a contentious legal issue). We therefore agree to exclude this activity from our regulated activity. In this case, the corresponding wording on the licence could read as follows: We are particularly concerned that cases involving the provision of reserved legal activities are not moved between SRA-regulated services and other services in a manner that causes inconvenience.

An accounting firm is regulated by the ICAEW, so its activities are subject to its code of ethics, professional indemnity insurance regulations and (if the activity represents a significant part of the turnover) the inspection regime. In addition to providing accounting services, the firm offers general consulting services that may include legal activities that would fall within the normal scope of a lawyer. We agree that an appropriate external exception is appropriate. Subject to the paragraphs below, any lawful activity carried out by, or under the direction or supervision of authorized persons shall remain an activity regulated by the SRA. The following information summarises how we deal with complaints about activities regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority (“SRA”) and other legal services within the jurisdiction of the Legal Ombudsman. The Legal Ombudsman may investigate complaints about activities regulated by the SRA. Because KPMG LLP is a multidisciplinary firm approved and regulated by the SRA, the Legal Ombudsman is also responsible for investigating complaints about other services provided by KPMG LLP that are not SRA-regulated activities but that the Legal Ombudsman considers to be legal services. For more information, see www.legalombudsman.org.uk Reserved legal activities and immigration work are always regulated by us, as well as the activities that are an integral part of it. Added to this is the obligation to act in the best interests of the client and not to “divide the case” in a way that removes appropriate safeguards or confuses the client about the regulatory situation (see SRA Principle 7 and Section 4.2 SRA for Business). A lawyer is a person who engages in certain legal activities after completing specialized education and training. These specific services are called reserved legal activities. In England and Wales, the legal activities currently reserved are: The exclusion of work from our policy does not mean that a client cannot lodge a complaint with the Legal Ombudsman about legal activities carried out by a single authorised person or by the CDM itself.

In the interest of the security and effectiveness and transparency of our monitoring and enforcement, we will include a description of the excluded activities in the terms of the license. Non-reserved legal activities that are not part of the SRA-regulated activity are not included in the revenue for the calculation of periodic fees. In cases where legal advice could be described as an essential component of the service, we believe that additional safeguards should be put in place in a SRA-regulated firm. This could include, for example, legal advice on the tax debt in the context of an accounting engagement carried out by a mixed team of legal and non-legal professionals and covered by the ICAEW.