Home > Dictionary > Definitions of the word “Satyriasis” definition of Satyriasispresented by lalanguefrancaise.com – These definitions of the word Satyriasis are given for information purposes only and are taken from royalty-free dictionaries. More information about the word satyriasis is provided by the editors of lalanguefrancaise.com For some specialists, homosexuality is also part of sexual deviance. Satyriasis denotes a morbid state of sickly arousal of the sexual functions of the man with an irresistible tendency to frequently repeat the action and the ability to perform it a large number of times without exhausting it. This word is part of the category of French words with 10 letters. It is also called aphrodisia, or exaggeration of sexual desire in men. This definition comes from the dictionary of psychiatry published by the CILF: www.cilf.fr For some specialists in psychiatry, this behavior is part of paraphilias, a term that characterizes sexual deviance or perversions such as:.