This is only one of many mysteries about the relationship between the domains of legality and morality, but it indicates a significant source of conflict and confusion. I can say that I do not agree with the person who participated in the discussion on the clinical case and who said that laws are the end of the story. That`s not all. However, morality also greatly influences the emergence of laws. For example, crimes and other acts that are identified as illegal by law are those that are identified by morality as immoral. Therefore, morality is the basis for the emergence of laws. Morality is believed to have existed since the beginning of the human species. However, it is widely accepted that religion has cemented morality as an essential social construct. Thanks to common religions, it became common for people to adhere to norms of behavior that had serious consequences. Thus, religion and morality have been passed down from generation to generation and place, and although they have been different for different people, morality has become a central element of society. Moreover, morality appeared before ideal laws. Therefore, morality influenced the emergence of laws in a community or country.

The law is the system of rules that a particular country or community recognizes as regulating the actions of its members and that it can enforce by imposing sanctions. On the other hand, morality is the set of ethical principles that define what is morally good and morally wrong. So this is the main difference between law and morality. Law and morality are extrinsically linked and have been used interchangeably since ancient times. However, we can find differences between law and morality, taking into account several main factors. In addition, another difference between law and morality is that laws create the constitution of a country, whereas in morality there is no direct link with the constitution. 1. “802301” (CC0) via Pixabay2. “A sailor is stripped up to the tail, tied to a ladder and bein Wellcome V0041675” By Welcome Images (CC BY 4.0) via Commons Wikimedia3. Image from page 42 of “The Doctrine of Morality: or, A View of Human Life, According to the Stoick Philosophy of Internet Archive Book Images (No Known Copyright Restrictions) via Flickr4.” Moral Compass” by Paul Downey (CC BY 2.0) via Flickr Therefore, social concepts such as ethics, religious teachings, etc.

directly influence the creation of moral standards in a particular community or country. Therefore, it is these social concepts that formulate morality, as opposed to the law formulated by the state. Whether the positivists or their “moralistic” opponents are right about the nature of the law, everyone seems to agree about the nature of morality. We must, it is said for the common good, distinguish between conventional morality and critical morality. The first consists of proposals supported by social consensus; The latter consists of statements affirmed as objective truth. Regardless, morality, like the law, consists of statements—standards that we violate or follow. As society evolves and opinions change, so does what is considered moral. If you look back in history, there are many examples of laws that were clearly immoral by today`s standards. Among other things, the United States stole Native American land, enslaved blacks, and discriminated against homosexuals. As society becomes more informed and open, citizens demand that their laws reflect their new definition of what is moral.

While not everyone agrees with the decisions, changing the laws is a big step toward changing general social views. The amendment to the law provides the company with the new definition of what is acceptable. Law and morality interact with each other and often cause each other`s change. Ultimately, when laws are unjust or outdated, people must stand up and fight for what is right. What is the relationship between law and morality? They are NOT the same. You can NOT equate both. Just because something is immoral doesn`t mean it`s illegal, and just because something is illegal doesn`t mean it`s immoral. The main difference between law and morality is that law refers to the set of rules and regulations applied by the state to regulate human behavior in society, while morality refers to the ethical code of conduct for a person.

Therefore, moral goods are the basis of the law, while morality is ensured by living according to the law. Morality refers to the social principles that define what is morally good and morally bad. In short, it is a person`s code of ethical conduct. The main aspect that defines this good or bad quality of action in moral terms is the intention of the person who commits this particular action.