Rep. John Spiros (R-Marshfield) drafted a bipartisan bill in its early days that would raise Wisconsin`s legal age to buy tobacco to 21. Rep. Spiros says it`s both a matter of enforcement and money. In line with the FDA`s efforts to protect the health and well-being of employees during the COVID-19 pandemic, the agency has partially suspended the work of agencies with which it contracts at the state level for activities such as compliance inspections. With the passage of federal law T21, there have also been corresponding updates to the Synar program. To receive their block drug grants, states and territories must now report illicit sales to people under 21, whether or not they have increased their own MLSA to 21.5 On 20. In December 2019, the President signed a law amending the Federal Law on Food, Medicines and Cosmetics and raising the minimum age for the sale of tobacco products from 18 to 21. This law (known as “Tobacco 21” or “T21”) came into effect immediately, and it is now illegal for a retailer to sell tobacco products – including cigarettes, cigars and e-cigarettes – to anyone under the age of 21.

The new federal minimum age applies to all retail establishments and to persons without exception. T21 Web Declaration In January 2020, CTP released a web statement detailing the T21 Act and what it means for retailers going forward. A recent study found that people who start smoking regularly between the ages of 18 and 20 are more likely to become addicted to nicotine and less likely to quit smoking than people who start smoking at age 21 or older.3 These findings are consistent with a 2015 report from the National Academy of Medicine, , which provides that raising the legal age of sale (MLSA) for tobacco products from 18 to 21 or 25 years is likely to significantly reduce the prevalence of smoking and smoking-related deaths.4 This fact sheet describes federal and state laws that set minimum age requirements for tobacco sales. “I think it`s very important to have adequate funding to treat smoking and other substance use disorders,” Piper said. “Smoking kills nearly half a million people each year, including nearly 8,000 Wisconsines each year. The FDA`s searchable public inspection database shows that the City of Milwaukee, WI (excluding surrounding communities) conducted 63 inspections with a minor (a person under the legal age to purchase tobacco products) with decision data from 12/20/2019 to 5/31/2021. It is important to note that the date of the decision does not coincide with the date of the inspection. During the same period, there were 20 inspections with decision data that resulted in a warning letter or civil fine. Because the police are unable to enforce the federal minimum age, it is up to the FDA to enforce compliance checks.

However, Kontakt 6 noted that most of these controls ceased in spring 2020. As police work to reduce teen smoking and vaping, health experts are working to keep lawmakers informed about the harmful effects of nicotine. Dr. Megan Piper, from the University of Wisconsin`s Center for Tobacco Research and Intervention, explained her research that helps inform policymakers. In July 2020, the FDA announced the development of a risk assessment level to help the FDA and states make informed risk-based decisions about when and where to resume inspections. This “council level” qualitatively assesses the status of COVID-19 cases in a local area based on county, state, and national criteria based on three metrics: the state`s stage, as defined in the White House guidelines for Open Up America Again, and two county-level information sources designed to indicate the current trend and intensity of infection. These measures help the FDA identify and prioritize the types of field operations that can safely take place in a region. States working on behalf of the FDA can use the consultation level to make decisions about inspection orders and other field operations. As the country continues to open up, we are working with our government partners to resume tobacco retail inspections.

20. In December 2019, Congress increased the MLSA for tobacco products from ages 18 to 21. This law, known as Tobacco 21 or T21, came into force immediately, and it is now illegal for a retailer to sell tobacco products – including cigarettes, cigars and e-cigarettes – to anyone under the age of 21.8 The new federal MHA applies to all retail establishments and persons without exception; It applies to retailers in all states, DC, all U.S. territories, and tribal lands. There are no exceptions for active military personnel or veterans between the ages of 18 and 20.8, as was previously the case in some states.9 The Wisconsin State Assembly passed Bill 422, which raised the legal age to purchase tobacco products from 18 to 21. Wisconsin law enforcement was also taken by surprise. Police enforce state laws, not federal laws, and the state`s legal age to purchase tobacco remains unchanged. MILWAUKEE – It is illegal to sell tobacco to people under the age of 21 in the United States. However, a legal vacuum is throwing Wisconsin out of step with the rest of the country, rendering law enforcement powerless.

Tobacco use is the leading cause of preventable disease, disability, and death in the United States.1 Among U.S. adults, approximately 34 million adults smoked cigarettes (in the past 30 days) in 2019.2 Nearly 9 in 10 adults who smoke cigarettes daily start smoking at age 18; Nach dem 25. At the age of life, almost no adults start smoking or switch to daily smoking.1 The minimum age to buy tobacco is 21, although Wisconsin law still states that the legal age to buy tobacco is 18.