There are 10 federally recognized holidays in the United States. According to the U.S. Office of Human Resources Management, these holidays are: Because holidays are at their discretion, many employers follow the federal vacation calendar. The federal and all state governments have passed laws that designate certain days as holidays each year. Although there are several days per year that are recognized as statutory holidays by the federal government and all state governments, each state recognizes additional days each year that may or may not be recognized by other states. Manufacturing businesses are generally subject to the same laws as non-retail businesses. They can remain open during the holidays with the permission of the police, but their employees cannot be forced to work, except in very limited circumstances: the work must be absolutely necessary and the company must require continuous operation (for example, a power plant). Their vacation rules fall under Massachusetts` blue laws, and they further break down the paid holidays of retailers, non-retailers and manufacturers. However, private sector employers are not required by law to provide paid leave to employees. In the eyes of the law, these public holidays recognized by the State are always considered as regular working days. As if paid time off wasn`t complicated enough, it can also affect your payroll. Take the headache out of the process by automating your payroll with Hourly.

Start your free trial. As a benefit for employees, many companies choose to pay a premium for working holidays to non-exempt employees. A 2017 survey by SHRM Holiday Schedules found that 57% of companies surveyed pay a premium to employees who work on a public holiday when the store would normally be closed. And of those organizations, 40 percent pay twice, 21 percent pay an hour and a half, and 19 percent said they pay overtime. In most countries, including all developed countries except the United States, progress in employee relations has led to the introduction of statutory agreements on minimum workers` leave from work – that is, the amount of entitlement to paid leave and leave. Companies can contractually offer more time. Companies and laws may also differ on whether public holidays are counted as part of the minimum leave. Although not required by law, many employers offer their employees vacation pay (such as double the time or an hour and a half) to reward and motivate them to work on those days. Keep in mind that even though holiday pay is not mandatory, the standard rules for overtime pay apply on these days – as they are considered a normal working day.

There is also no federal law requiring private employers to grant leave to their employees. And there is no federal law requiring private employers to give employees a premium rate of pay (such as a time and a half or double) just to work on vacation. Differences in national minimum requirements are still the subject of debate over work-life balance and perceived differences between nations. These figures usually refer to full-time employment – part-time employees can benefit from a reduced number of days. In most countries, paid leave is paid and is generally not considered part of annual leave. In addition, in most countries, there are additional benefits of paid leave, such as parental leave and sick leave, which are not listed here. Paid annual leave is a legal right that an employer must grant. If an employee feels that their right to vacation and compensation is not being respected, there are several ways to resolve the dispute. Here is a list of days designated as public holidays by the federal government: All non-essential government offices are closed on federal holidays, which means that these federal employees are entitled to a day off. There are no federal holiday laws that say you must give employees a day off for federal or state holidays. And if an employee isn`t exempt by the hour, you may not even have to pay them for the time they aren`t working, depending on your condition.

Paid holidays are days when employees are free to work and are always paid. There are several paid holidays that are the most common, but they can vary from employer to employer. Federal law establishes the vacation schedule for federal employees. This law also refers to the names of paid holidays, such as Washington`s birthday (known by many as President`s Day). Many public sector organizations, such as local and state governments, base their vacation schedule on the federal vacation plan. In some countries, holidays are strictly tied to calendar dates, so if they take place on Saturday or Sunday, they are “lost” for that year. As a result, the average number of additional paid vacation days may be lower than shown in the table. For example, in the Czech Republic, where the official number of paid holidays is 13, the average number of public holidays on weekdays in 2000-2016 was only 8.9 days. In other countries, such as the United Kingdom and the United States, public holidays that would fall on Saturday or Sunday are postponed to the following Monday or Friday.

Still, employees expect to have at least a few holidays to look forward to, and most want to be paid for it, whether they work on holidays or not. Find out what vacation pay is, what it`s used for and who is entitled to it. However, private sector employers are not required to pay public holiday pay to employees who work on these federal holidays. This is established by the Ministry of Labour in the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA), which states that employers do not have to pay employees for time that is not actually worked. Don`t be afraid – these types of regulations can get complicated and it`s completely normal to have questions. Here we answer some of the most common questions about paid leave so you can make sure you`re following all the laws and more importantly, treating your staff properly. Your company can improve communication with its employees, ensure compliance with the law, and perhaps even avoid legal problems by creating an employee handbook. So who has federal holidays? Federal businesses generally observe federal holidays, including: So maybe you don`t have to give employees the day off from these state-recognized holidays. But if you let them work, do you have to pay them more? In most cases, no. If so, know that these states march at their own drum pace. Massachusetts and Rhode Island are the only two states in the Union that require private companies to offer paid holiday leave.

Both companies have at least 20 working days off, while the number of additional days varies. In Brčko district, workers have 18 days off. In the Republika Srpska, employees have 1 additional day for every 5 years of work with the same employer and 2 additional days for religious holidays. In the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, workers have 2 paid days for religious holidays and possibly 2 unpaid days for religious holidays.