The easiest fruit for most law firms in terms of manpower and efficiency is to attack your adoption process. Using the right tools to automate this process as much as possible and collect the data you need from the customers themselves (rather than paper forms and more support agents) will significantly reduce your overhead and give your customers an amazing first impression of your company`s overall efficiency. Imagine this: A potential customer calls or sends an email for a consultation. You schedule this consultation (or use a calendar planner like Calendly to streamline the task) to meet by phone or in person. You email the prospect an admission form before the meeting. After the meeting, both sides decide to continue. You press a button and an automatically generated retention agreement is sent to the customer for electronic signature, just like an invoice. An hour later, the customer signed and paid from her smartphone during her lunch break. With just a few more clicks, you automatically generate a draft of the documents you need to initiate your case. Law Ruler is a software package designed specifically for law firms and designed to improve client relationships.

It is the oldest specific software for this purpose, launched in 2012. As such, they had time to iron out the problems and make it the attractive program it is today. Law Ruler claims that they can help your law firm increase its sales by 20%. It`s a pretty bold claim, but they have features to back it up. Intake Manager is client intake software for personal injury law firms that drives growth by streamlining your clients` onboarding process. Our secure, cloud-based customer onboarding software helps you convert leads into routine business faster, maximize efficiency, and improve the customer experience from anywhere. You claim to be able to increase customer loyalty for your law firm. The program looks modern, unlike many other offerings. It is sleek and intuitive, which makes it easy and enjoyable to use. However, one of the best parts is their form builder.

This builder allows your business to create a number of unique customer onboarding forms. The online intake form generator allows both customized and standardized forms. This is a huge bonus for companies dealing with a variety of cases. When choosing the right software, ask yourself, “What do I want to achieve with a law firm`s CRM?” If you`re not sure, take a look at your marketing plan (or create one with our Legal Marketing Guide). Don`t just grab software off the shelf and get started. Plan, document your processes, and then determine what you need. Are you curious about how and where clients discover your law firm? The customer onboarding process is the perfect opportunity to understand your company`s visibility in the market. Simply include fields in the customer intake form that capture how the customer found your business, and then use our custom tags to track where you`re generating the most leads. It`s an easy way to track your company`s growth potential. CloudLex provides your business with the tools to track and convert leads throughout the initial process. Track leads from marketing campaigns and see which campaigns give you the most qualified leads, conversions, and maximum ROI. Forms? Ready.

Full document automation? Absolute. Planning and payment tools? Got it. Instead of focusing on one particular feature, Rally focused on the entire experience of the lawyer and his clients – forms, shelving contracts and electronic signatures; Everything you need from the beginning to the end of the registration process is available on one platform. And the most important feature for lawyers – document creation – is at the heart of the Rally platform, which allows you to generate complex documents in seconds or even set up a self-service platform for your clients. Register customers from your website: Our client software allows you to interview new customers and automatically perform conflict assessments – right from your company`s website! As the name suggests, Lawmatics is another industry-specific software. It is also the most used program in the industry. They see themselves as an end-to-end solution because of all the services they offer. These services include customer adoption, customer relationship management, and marketing automation. They also offer fully customizable campaigns and app integrations. This article takes a closer look at the big players in the field of legal admission management software, including.

It is clear that the law firm`s role in the practice of law is difficult. This takes a lot of time and is the first part of the customer experience. Therefore, it is important to treat it as a customer-centric experience. Being able to provide exceptional customer service every step of the way increases their desire to hire you.