African Post Office.* If you are under 18 or 18 and over and STILL depend on household income if your parent or guardian is involved, this also applies to you. NSFAS said it does not accept affidavits proving legal guardianship. In order for your application to be processed, please ensure that you complete all sections of the application form and attach all supporting documents. You must include your identification number on each page of all your supporting documents in order for your application to be processed. NSFAS cannot process applications without an identification number. *If your parents or your support or legal guardian are retired, please provide a copy of an official pension statement or bank statement showing the payment of support. * Certified or official copy of the last pay slip, letter of employment, less than three months old, for each parent or person assisting you, or your guardian or yourself if you are employed. This applies to all types of employment or all forms of income for all household members. This includes all income from SASSA grants, unemployment insurance funds (UIF) or retirement, life insurance, disability or other benefits paid in the form of lump sum or monthly payments. If you are supported by someone who is not your parent or guardian, please provide an affidavit explaining why.

Certain documents are required for the NSFAS application. Wondering if an affidavit of guardianship is one of these documents? Well, here`s what you need to know. (All certified true copies must not be more than 3 months old) Your documents can be legalised with the South African Police or in the South Please tick *Certified copy of a SASSA letter if one of your family members is receiving social benefits and also contributes to your household income. This also applies to your legal guardian. If you have a disability, please complete the relevant supporting documents (details can be found on the website) and submit them with your application form. NSFAS applications are currently open and you may be wondering what documents you need to submit with your application. If documents are missing or pending, NSFAS will not be able to process your application, so be sure to attach all required documents. *If your parent or assisting person or guardian is an informal trader, please provide an affidavit signed by them to confirm this employment.

The grant program stated that “we do not accept affidavits. You must provide us with the “court-appointed legal guardianship” document or submit a non-SASSA declaration form signed by a social worker. The form is available on our website. NSFAS announced that “students who wish to appeal must upload all necessary supporting documents to substantiate the reasons for appeal. Appeals must be filed within 30 days of the failure decision. To download missing or pending documents for your application, follow these steps: *Certified copy of the identification document of each household member, including parent or guardian. If one of your parents has died, please submit a certified copy of the death certificate. Certified copy of your last academic certificate or exam results.

If you are currently in Grade 12, you do not need to submit it. Certified copy of your ID. If you are under the age of 16 and do not have a green barcode or smart ID, you must submit a certified copy of your full birth certificate. The cost of higher education and vocational education and training can often be the barrier preventing students from obtaining higher education degrees from public universities and technical and vocational education and training (TVET) institutions. Unsuccessful students have 30 days to appeal their refusal status once they have received the result of their NSFAS application. If you have been exempted from paying tuition, please provide a letter from the school informing NSFAS that you have been exempted. *If you have indicated that a dependant in your household is a student, please provide proof of enrolment or acceptance to the TVET College or University for each dependent. The National Student Financial Aid Scheme (NSFAS) scholarship covers tuition, accommodation, transport, meals, textbook stipends, learning materials and registration fees for eligible students. If you are a Sassa Scholar, proof of income is not required. Take your first step towards a bright future by applying for the National Student Financial Aid Scheme (NSFAS) scholarship.

If one of your parents does not live at home, please provide an affidavit explaining why.