Luckily for you, we`ve rounded up to the best criminal cases for HSC Legal Studies to help you bring Volume 6 home! 03 October 2022 : In light of the first EU-Israel Association Council meeting in more than a decade, Amnesty International has called on the European Union to hold Israeli leaders to account for the alleged crime of apartheid against Palestinians, which may amount to a crime against humanity. Sometimes it can be a bit overwhelming to choose from hundreds of cases on the same topic. October 13, 2022: ICC chief prosecutor Karim Khan said Ukrainian authorities could extradite Russians to the Hague-based court if trials in Ukraine could not go ahead due to legal restrictions. The Court of First Instance sentenced the accused to 14 years` imprisonment for serious drug trafficking, provided for and punished by Articles 21, Nos. 1 and 24 letters b and c of Decree-Law 15/93 of 22 January. In addition, the instruments and amounts deposited in the accounts of the accused or the companies of which he was the main beneficiary were first seized and then confiscated. The link between these amounts and the criminal charges had not been established, but the Supreme Court held that, under Act No. 5/2002 (Measures to combat organised and economic and financial crime) of 11 January 2002, those sums were to be regarded as derived from criminal activities. 04. October 2022: In the Kabuga trial, the International Residual Mechanism of the United Nations Criminal Tribunals (UNIRMCT) in The Hague faces the accused`s failure to comply with the Tribunal`s procedure.

The accused was charged with crimes against humanity and genocide for his alleged role as the “mastermind” behind the 1994 genocide in Rwanda. September 30, 2022: The International Criminal Court (ICC) has concluded its investigation into the 2009 stadium massacre in Guinea, stating that Guinean national authorities are neither inactive, nor unwilling, nor able to meaningfully investigate and prosecute alleged crimes committed at the Conakry stadium. Rosenstein further argued that his extradition would violate his procedural and substantive rights as a defendant in a criminal case. He would not have the benefit of being tried in his natural environment, and language difficulties and the difference between the Israeli and American legal systems could affect his defense and due process rights. The argument focused on the jury system, which was a different decision-making system than Israeli law. Decisions of a number of international tribunals, including the International Court of Justice and the Permanent International Court of Justice, the International Criminal Court, the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia, the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda, the International Military Tribunal at Nuremberg, the Special Court for Sierra Leone, the United Nations Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination, the United Nations Committee against Torture, the United Nations Human Rights Committee, the European Court of Human Rights and the African Commission on Human and Peoples` Rights. In addition, the section “International law in national courts” contains the decisions of national courts on international law from 60 jurisdictions. Vessela Terzieva is an international criminal lawyer and external PhD student at the University of Amsterdam. His ICD letter refers to recent decisions in the Netherlands and Denmark awarding compensation to the military for damage caused during armed conflicts, including the Dutch Supreme Court`s July 2019 decision in the “Mothers of Srebrenica” case. It examines how these decisions contribute to the debate on the right to reparation for victims of violations of international humanitarian law.

NEW CASES: Summaries of new cases are available in the International Crime Database! 21 September 2022: The universal jurisdiction case of Alieu Kosiah, sentenced to 20 years in prison by the Swiss Federal Criminal Court (CPF) for his role in the first Liberian civil war from 1989 to 1996, will be appealed in January 2023. This was the first war crimes trial before the FCC, and with the amended indictment containing charges of crimes against humanity, it will also be the first time the FCC has brought such crimes to trial. Two of the five new case summaries relate to The Prosecutor v. Ayyash et al. before the Special Tribunal for Lebanon (STL). In its Interlocutory Order of 16 February 2011 (available here), the Appeals Chamber of the Court stated that, although it is bound by the application of Lebanese criminal law, international law may be invoked to interpret these domestic provisions. It is important to note that the Chamber concluded that the crime of terrorism exists under customary international law. In the decision of the STL Criminal Division of 1. In February 2012, the court ruled that the four defendants could be tried in absentia because they had absconded or could not be located and that all reasonable steps had been taken to ensure their presence.

October 19, 2022: French cement plant Lafarge pleaded guilty in the United States to supporting the Islamic State and other terrorist organizations. In France, the company is also accused of complicity in crimes against humanity in Syria. CMIJ has documented and summarized prosecutions for genocide, war crimes or crimes against humanity before the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY) and the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda (ICTR). The ICTY Case Table and the ICTR Case Table provide information on the date and outcome of each case, as well as links to a brief summary of each case. 20 September 2022: The UN Human Rights Council has reported on international crimes committed by all parties to the ongoing conflict in Ethiopia`s Tigray region, which erupted in November 2020. The Ethiopian government has allegedly committed crimes against humanity and war crimes, and the report warned of “further atrocities.” In November 2004, Miami police and the Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) seized approximately 700,000 ecstasy tablets from a Manhattan apartment following extensive investigations by U.S. law enforcement. Further investigations on the Israeli side led to Rosenstein`s arrest. The United States wanted Rosenstein for the crime of conspiracy to import large quantities of ecstasy pills for distribution in the country (an offense under 21 U.S.C. ยง 841(a)(1), 841(b)(1)(c), and conspiracy to import a controlled substance into the United States (an offense under Section 952(a), 960 (b) (3) and 963 of that Act). The State of Israel, where Rosenstein was imprisoned and where the conspiracy was made, was ordered to extradite him on the basis of the extradition treaty between the two countries. 27.

September 2022: Venezuela denied allegations of alleged crimes against humanity reported by the United Nations Independent Fact-Finding Mission on Venezuela, which found that “serious crimes and human rights violations are being committed, including torture and sexual violence” by the country`s military and intelligence services as part of a plan orchestrated at the highest levels of government. to supposedly stifle opposition. Rosenstein`s defense appealed the decision. Rosenstein argued that the dominant link to the crimes he was accused of was Israel, not the United States. Noting that the author was an Israeli citizen and resident who was not a fugitive from justice in another country and who could be tried in Israel, Rosenstein asserted that the extradition served no laudable purpose and was not proportionate. He also argued that the purpose of the conspiracy to import and distribute controlled substances and the personal relationship of the victims of the crime could not override the principle of territorial jurisdiction. According to this agreement, the accused came to the hotel in Tbilisi in two cases and the mother took the daughter there. In the hotel room, the accused took obscene photos of the minor and sexually harassed her while visually capturing the acts with several cameras belonging to him and the mother.