All cadets, scholarship and non-scholarship recipients, sign a contract during their junior year to accept assignments in the U.S. Army. When enlisted in the active (full-time) military, most officers serve three to four years on active duty and then have the option of continuing on active or non-active service. When you are called up to the reserve (only one weekend a month and two weeks a year), there is an eight-year commitment. ROTC contracts all have a term of 8 years, but usually only 4 years of active service. The rest is usually spent on IRR. Officers who take the Reserve route must move every 8 years to the state of practice. ROTC classes consist of two parts. You will participate in an academic lesson as well as an associated laboratory time of 2 hours. The lab teaches basic military skills and introduces cadets to the army. You will learn exercises and ceremonies, land navigation, patrol techniques, abseiling and more.

Academic courses are elective courses of graduation credits taught by military officers and non-commissioned officers that cover military leadership, history, military law, and other topics that make up a well-rounded officer. ROTC also includes a part of physical training to develop physically. In addition, there are many other extracurricular activities in which cadets participate. Depending on the variety of responses, my suggestion is to talk to a recruiter, but not just believe them. Get a contract and READ THE CONTRACT before signing anything. He is thinking about joining the OCS after graduation and wants to know how long a tour of duty is for an officer. I tried my Google-Fu and couldn`t get an answer. 1. Get it in writing. When you are summoned, you sign a convening contract. This Agreement sets out your initial commitment, bonuses, training guarantees, and other incentives; Make sure it is correct. What is the difference between an “officer” and a “conscript”? Earning a commission as an army officer is not an easy task and it is not a task to be taken lightly.

Many responsibilities are also entrusted to the new officers. After completing your time at ROTC, earn your commission and take the Officer Leaders Foundation Course to receive training in your specific industry. When you arrive at your first unit, you will be assigned a train to guide you. Depending on the branch, the platoon leader is responsible for 20 to 45 soldiers and will be responsible for their well-being and mission accomplishment. This task imposes an immense responsibility on you, as you may have to make life-and-death decisions for your soldiers, but the skills gained through the experience of a commissioned officer are invaluable and make you a prime candidate for any civilian job. OCS is based on what`s left on their contract, when you sign up to do the Basic + OCS contract, regardless of the agreement you have made with your recruiter, usually no less than 4. If you`re already connected, it could be anything, but OCS packages usually aren`t approved if you`re not ready to reboot or if you`re at least a year or two old. The Officer Base Course (OBC) could take just as long to pass. However, there are other loopholes if you`ve already written – you can actually commission after your OBC and go straight to the IRR without actually spending time as an officer.

There is no fixed engagement period for officers – they are usually free to resign from their commission at any time. 18 months after your commissioning (guard or reserve) or entry into active service, you will be promoted to first lieutenant and promoted to captain 4 years after your commissioning. Once you reach the captain, you will have the opportunity to take the captain`s career course in your area and you may even have the opportunity to change jobs. In addition, new career opportunities will open up for most officers. Branches such as special forces, civil affairs and psychological operations are at your disposal. Active army officer here (so I can only speak from army experience). My first engagement was active for 4 years, inactive for 4 years (thanks to an ROTC scholarship). As the Republican anatheist mentioned, West Point graduates are required to actively serve 5 years, and then the other 3 can serve in the inactive loan reserve. Regardless of your rank, you are “deactivated” (indicated on the contract you sign) at the end of your initial service commitment, but you “belong” to the army for a total of 8 years.

After this 8th year, they can no longer touch you. But if you signed a 3-year contract and “gave up”, the army can still reactivate you until that 8th year from the day you started your first service engagement. Of course, not everyone wants to stay in the military for 20+ years. Fortunately, the benefits of serving as a military officer are still incredibly high for people who leave the military with less than 20 years of service. Many companies are actively looking for officers based on their military experience. Agents are trained to work well in high-stress situations, making them perfect for the fast-paced workforce. They are used to a regular and demanding workday, which means they can be trusted to work hard and complete their tasks. Officers in some branches may receive technical training on systems that facilitate the transition to government civilian or contract work, as this reduces training time and costs for businesses. In addition, all officers must obtain a secret security clearance, and some officers must obtain a Top Secret security clearance. This makes officials highly marketable for many government agencies such as the FBI or CIA, as it eliminates the cost of security clearance.

After all, officers are in high demand in business because of their leadership experience, making them perfect for higher leadership positions. Below is a link to a search for various companies that are actively researching and hiring junior officers based on their military experience and skills. Even if you don`t see a company in the search, you can be sure that your military background will set you apart from other candidates in any field. When you become an officer in the military, your chances of growth don`t stop. You will build a fulfilling career while having many opportunities for advancement and education. Becoming an officer will also help you if you decide to join the civilian workforce, as employers place a high value on workers who can guide others through stressful situations. It`s only when you sign a contract that you enter into a duty as an army officer. You don`t have to sign a contract until your junior year. You can serve part-time (8 years of reserve service) or full-time (3 years of active duty if you did not have an ROTC scholarship, 4 years of active service if you did).