When completing the “Why do I need legal services” section of the application form, you must explain in detail the nature of your legal problem. You don`t need to use legal terminology (however, if you know the right legal term for the question, it`s worth using it). If a court case is already underway, you must provide details and if there is a court date, please let us know which court it is (e.g. Dolphin House, Cork Circuit Court, etc.). If your case is a breach that you have suffered or that involves an alleged breach of a duty of care, it is very important that you inform us when the alleged breach/breach has occurred and/or when you have become aware of it. If Tusla initiates proceedings against you to place your child, you are entitled to legal aid, which can help you in your case and represent you during the court proceedings. For more information on obtaining legal aid in child custody proceedings, please contact the Legal Aid Committee. You will not be eligible for legal aid in a criminal case where the judge considers that the case is not serious enough, for example if it is a minor traffic offence. If the judge feels you have money to pay for your own legal representation, you may also be turned away.

You can apply for government-funded legal services if you need legal help and have a low income. The two most frequently used State-funded services are legal aid in civil matters and legal aid in criminal cases. Legal aid in civil and criminal matters includes representation by a lawyer or lawyer before the courts and oral or written advice from a solicitor or barrister. You may not have to go to court in all circumstances. The Legal Aid Board provides legal assistance and advice to persons who are unable to pay for it themselves. You can apply online, by mail or in person at a legal centre of the Commission d`aide juridique. However, to be eligible for legal aid, you must meet certain criteria. There is a minimum fee to obtain civil legal aid, but you can apply for an exemption in a difficult case. There are no fees in child custody cases, but outside of this type of case, normal fees start at €30 up to a maximum of €150 for legal advice and a minimum of €130 for legal aid, including representation. The total cost of legal representation depends on your funds and capital. In certain circumstances, the Commission d`aide juridique may waive your obligation to contribute to your legal fees. The claims calculator checks your income and assets to determine if you are financially eligible for legal aid.

It does not send us any information and any information you enter will be deleted afterwards. The Legal Aid Board provides legal aid to asylum seekers in Ireland to support the international protection procedure. More information can be found here, but it is also means-tested and requires the payment of a minimum contribution of €10 for legal advice and legal aid. Download FLAC`s legal guides and find other sources of information. Lawyer.ie has selected the best experts in their field in Ireland with the best lawyers or other recognised professionals who write definitive guides to law in Ireland which are available free of charge on the website. We are here to answer your questions and discuss your options. Our online chat service is for 16 to 25 year olds and is available Monday to Friday from 4pm to 8pm. Talk to us about your situation now. It is important to note that the free content provided here is for informational purposes only and for appropriate legal advice you should consult a lawyer registered with the Law Society – there are verified law firms that have expertise in various areas of Irish law that have Lawyer.ie All persons under the age of 18 and persons over that age, who are in full-time education are considered dependent on their parents. Stepparents or guardians.

In these circumstances, the income of parents, step-parents or guardians is taken into account when using legal services. Please note that you must close the browser window when you are finished. You can only submit an online application in a browser session. However, FLAC cannot and will not seek to replace publicly funded legal aid services. (You can read more about the State Civil Legal Aid Service in our FLAC fact sheet.) Organizations seeking legal help can talk to our PILA project (not for individuals). If you are applying for legal aid, you will need to pass a benefit test and a means test to prove that you are eligible. Find out who can help you get free legal help in Ireland. Legal advice is also available for those arrested and detained in connection with a Garda investigation, which includes legal advice and/or attendance at a Garda train station. I felt isolated and lacked confidence and if there hadn`t been someone at the end of a phone line to give advice and support, I think things would have ended very differently and the online app is designed to work with all phones, tablets and PCs etc. If you have to go to court and live on a small income, there are government-funded programs that can help you pay for legal services. This may mean that the services of lawyers and, if necessary, lawyers are available to you at affordable prices.

These services can cover everything from representation in court to writing a lawyer`s letter for you. Legal aid may also cover the preparation of an interpreter, a lawyer and certain professional reports. It is important to remember that while legal aid in criminal cases is free of charge, legal aid in civil matters must be paid. If it`s a serious crime and you can`t afford the legal fees, you can get free legal help. However, you may also be entitled to free legal aid for less serious cases in exceptional circumstances, for example if you do not have a formal education, if you have a physical or mental disability, if you are ill, if you experience severe emotional distress or if you are unable to understand legal proceedings. Civil legal aid is granted only in civil matters. Civil cases usually involve a person or group conducting a case against another person or group. An example of a civil case would be a parent of a child suing the other parent in court for failing to pay child support. Visit your local FLAC center for basic personal information and advice from a pro bono lawyer. Yes, you can use the online financial eligibility calculator. Legal aid for civil cases in justified cases.

A merit test is a test that asks if you have the money to pay for the case yourself and if you would not be entitled to free legal aid if you went to court anyway. It also takes into account that a lawyer or lawyer would recommend that the case be pursued. Soon you`ll be able to book a consultation with specialist lawyers via Lawyer.ie – let yourself shine right in your salon! Legal aid is granted only in criminal matters. A criminal case usually occurs when a law is broken and the state brings the person who broke it to justice. An example of this would be if a person was charged with murder by the Gardaí and then tried by the state to go to trial. Legal aid in civil matters is means-tested. The means test determines whether you are eligible for legal aid and, if so, how much you will have to contribute based on your finances and how much legal advice will cost. No.

Click here for more information on applying for legal aid for international protection in Ireland. You apply for legal aid in criminal cases from the district judge when you first appear before the court. More information is available here. Kieron is a qualified barrister and former Legal Affairs Editor of RTE and an expert in Irish legislation. The claims calculator only checks whether you are financially eligible for legal aid.