Bridging the gap between the theory and practice of construction lawThe Building and Construction Law Journal tracks changes in construction law and comments on them nationally and internationally. It is the perfect way to stay up to date and in touch for construction lawyers and also for other professionals in the fields of construction, construction, engineering and related industries. This volume is one of four in a constantly updated series of legal cases relevant to the construction industry, reporting on the latest important cases and relevant cases from the past that have not been mentioned in previous publications. Now in its 13th year, this series is widely recognized as an authoritative reference source for anyone with a professional interest in the subject. It contains comprehensive judgments on the main English and Commonwealth cases on construction contracts and appeals of arbitration proceedings relating to construction contracts, as well as relevant editorial comments. This journal informs readers about important legislative changes and offers debates and analyses on construction claims, disputes, contracts and court decisions. Each issue of the journal deals with basic topics as well as specially specified multi-jurisdictional reports on construction law. Online, the journal provides the full version of Volume 1, 1985, with links to judgments and other online publications, while individual articles can be downloaded in PDF format or received via an RSS feed. Approximately six parts and one bound volume are published each year (receipt of exhibits and/or bound volumes depends on your choice of subscription). To access articles and information about all of our journals, submit an article, or join our community, visit Journals Talk at Attention: Only bound volumes printed from the United States Reports contain the final and official opinions of the Supreme Court of the United States. In the event of any discrepancy between a bound volume and the documents contained in this document – or any other version of the same material, whether printed or electronic, official or unofficial – the printed bound volume will be checked.

Bound volumes: The bound volumes of U.S. reports are the latest generation of the Court`s expert opinions. See information on opinions. The bound volumes of the U.S. reports gathered here contain the full text of volumes 502 et seq., from cover to index, including all opinions, decisions and other documents issued for the Court`s mandate in 1991 and subsequent years. Other volumes will be published here after their publication. Preprints: Each bound volume of U.S. reports is preceded by “preliminary prints,” which are brown, flexible “preprint brochures” that contain the same documents and features as U.S. reports. See information on opinions. The content of two or three forms is eventually combined into a single bound volume. Thus, the title of each form contains a part number, for example, form, volume 577, part 1.

Before publication, all documents that enter a form go through a thorough editing and indexing process, and permanent page numbers are assigned, which are transferred to the bound volume. Procurement – Limitation period – Limitation period – Possibility of granting an extension. Construction contracts – insurance – agency – interpretation – contribution – questions referred for a preliminary ruling. Judgment – Draft judgment distributed to the parties – Embargo against draft judgment – Violation of the embargo. Validity of the claim for payment – Enforceability of the arbitrator`s decision – Violation of natural justice – Severability clause of the arbitrator`s decision. Deletion – Lack of reasonable grounds – Abuse of process – Lack of specificity – Failure to disclose sufficient grounds to assert the request – Need for a request for information – Need for expert evidence to support it. Accessing Large Files: Users are advised to right-click on large files, such as those listed here, and save them to their hard drive. Otherwise, files may “expire” before they can be successfully loaded. Arbitration – Confidentiality – Contractual rights – Need for open justice – Closed hearings – CPP 39.2 – CPR 62.10 – Closed Case Management Conference. Part 8 – Arbitration – To what extent does the arbitrator`s decision on interim payment bind the final invoice and any subsequent decision? Property damage caused by third parties – Negligence – Duty of care – Omissions – Deletion – Contested case of duty of care – Allegation of `pure omission` – Exceptions to the regulation against liability for `pure omissions`.

Arbitration – Enforcement – Serial Arbitration – If it is the same dispute. – Arbitration – Set-off – Contractual conditions which allow the compensation of decisions – Contractual conditions which allow the referral of several disputes at the choice of a party – Conflict with housing subsidies, Construction and Regeneration Act 1996 and construction contract regime. – Arbitration – Suspension of performance – Evidence. Award – Collateral guarantee – Construction contract – Housing Subsidies, Construction and Regeneration Act 1996, section 104 – Retroactive effect of the guarantee guarantee.