Are you looking forward to participating, but still need inspiration? Watch interviews with coaches or visit this blog on innovation in law. We are pleased to announce that Appjection has won the 2015 – 2016 edition of the De Brauw Legal Innovation Challenge! The final took place on 9 June 2016 in De Brauw Amsterdam. The jury was composed of Geert Potjewijd (Managing Partner De Brauw), Douwe Groenevelt (ASML) and Michael van den Berg (IBM). They faced the difficult task of choosing the winner from three great teams. Appjection receives funding of up to €25,000 to start its business. They are also legally advised by De Brauw`s lawyers. More information: “Tech-savvy. First-class advice on high-profile issues that require an overview. The team is very good at providing pragmatic advice based on excellent legal and strategic analysis. a fresh and pragmatic approach and always seems to find creative solutions. International Work: De Brauw ensures that its clients receive the best legal advice available and works with experienced local advisors around the world when needed. This allows De Brauw to be well equipped to act nationally and internationally; De Brauw is committed to attracting and training a diverse group of non-Dutch junior staff while hiring experienced associates, all qualified in their home countries. The challenge is to come up with an idea that will result in a change in the law.

This may mean that your idea changes the way lawyers work, responds faster to a legal problem, or manages legal projects smarter. Either way, your innovative idea will make life easier for lawyers and their clients. De Brauw Legal Innovation Challenge is looking for students who have an idea that will lead to a change in the law. All students, regardless of their field of study, are invited to participate and submit their ideas. The most innovative idea is funded by De Brauw with a maximum of 25,000 euros. Are you looking forward to participating, but still need inspiration to come up with an innovative idea? Then read this blog about innovation in law! Managing Partner: Marnix Leijten Number of Partners: 60 Number of Lawyers: 390Languages: Arabic, Chinese, Dutch, English, French, German, Portuguese, Russian, SpanishPractical overview:De Brauw is an international law firm that provides high-end legal advice on corporate transactions, litigation and regulatory enforcement. The firm acts as lead counsel and trusted advisor to its clients whenever necessary. De Brauw pursues an integrated practice model in which specialists from different firms are brought together to ensure that its clients receive the best legal advice. The company`s extensive experience allows it to provide its customers with an unparalleled level of service in the most important aspects of the business. Headquartered in Amsterdam, the company has global coverage from its offices in Amsterdam, Brussels, Frankfurt, London, Shanghai and Singapore. The three finalists will receive a personal message to the email address they provided. Finalists will also be announced on this site.

of the market leader in the Dutch marker for high-end data and technology work. The three finalists work on their innovative idea under the personal guidance of the coaches for a real business plan. They will share their experiences and apply their knowledge to move from an idea to a real business plan. The final will take place on June 9, 2016. The finalists present their business plan to a jury that names the winner. The jury will review all submissions, check if all requirements are met and judge according to BLIC guidelines. The main category of the Brauw Legal Innovation Challenge is government and the sub-category is law and law. Our clients are the leading players in data-intensive industries, from large Silicon Valley tech companies, from leading digital platforms and financial institutions to retail companies. Our expertise includes consumer class action, strategic board advice, internal investigations, mergers and acquisitions, cybersecurity incidents and law enforcement actions taken by data protection authorities (APAs), the European Commission and the Consumer and Markets Authority (ACM). Please enable JavaScript to experience Vimeo in all its glory. All students, regardless of their field of study, enrolled in a university or college during the 2015-2016 college year are invited to participate in the De Brauw Legal Innovation Challenge.

Individually or as a team. The most innovative idea is funded by De Brauw with a maximum of 25,000 euros! We are in the midst of a technological revolution and the world is changing so rapidly that it is difficult to keep pace. The changing environment offers an ocean of opportunities to improve the way we do things. Technology helps us do our jobs better, faster and smarter. But we are not there yet. You can still be part of this revolution. The full name of BLIC is: Brauw Legal Innovation Challenge . The full form of BLIC concerns the meaning of the abbreviation BLIC in government in general and in The Law & Legal in particular. Are you a student? Do you have an innovative idea? And will your idea lead to a change in the law? Tätigkeitsschwerpunkte:■ Banking and finance ■ Capital markets ■ Commercial litigation ■ Competition and regulation ■ Construction ■ Corporate/M&A ■ Corporate advisory ■ Corporate governance ■ Corporate restructuring and insolvency ■ Dispute resolution ■ Employment and benefits ■ Energy, infrastructure and environment ■ Financial market regulation ■ Health and life sciences ■ Insurance ■ Intellectual property ■ International trade ■ Management Investment ■ Media, Sports & Entertainment ■ Mediation ■ Pensions ■ Data Privacy and Security ■ Private Equity ■ Real Estate ■ Enforcement ■ Supreme Court Litigation ■ Tax De BLIC is open for submissions! Submit your idea via the online form on this site.