Alan Shore: Probably. But my God, what I get from you, Denny. People walk around today, calling everyone their best friend. The term no longer has any real meaning. Simple acquaintances are covered with hugs and kisses at a second or third meeting, birthday cards are dealt out in offices so that everyone can scribble a touch of sentimentality for a colleague they have barely met, and everyone loves everyone. As a result, if you tell someone that you love them today, you don`t hear much. I love you, Denny; You are my best friend. I can`t imagine going through life without you as my best friend. However, I will not kiss you. Denny Crane: I don`t know if you know, but few men take the time every day to drink a cigar or a glass of scotch to talk to their best friend. This is not something that most men have. Alan Shore: I have an instinctive feeling, it`s my best shot.

Alan Shore: There`s a legal term for that. Ah, yes, “Oooooh.” Selfish, sexually voracious, malapropism-prone: these are just some of the ways to describe Denny Crane, the successful lawyer played by William Shatner in five seasons of abc`s legal comedy-drama Boston Legal from 2004 to 2008. In the following seasons, Denny evolved into a cartoon along with the rest of the series, but at first he was always ready for a clever joke. Here`s a look at the best quotes from Denny Crane. Paul: Denny will ask the questions. If you [Alan] try to ask the witness anything, you will be fired. Alan: There`s a legal term for that. ah yes, “ooooo” Wolfgang Blitzkrieg: [On TV]. With the best political news team ever assembled at the Hist – [TV is off] Denny Crane: Not just any Kazoo. A trombone zoo.

Un go-to-New Orleans-under-the-pretext-of-some-legal-case-to-play-with-a-Dixie-land-band kazoo. Tags alan shore quotes best quotes denny crane Boston Legal quotes Boston Legal tv show quotes denny crane quotes Denny Crane: Let me tell you something. When you have polar ice caps melting and breaking down into big chunks, and you have Osama, who is always hiding in a cave, planning his next attack when you have other rogue nations with nuclear arsenals, and not to mention crazy work that is self-developed that can break you at any time and if you. Mad cow disease is now becoming a high priority. And if you`re still on the balcony on a clear night drinking scotch with your best friend, now that`s it. Wolfgang Blitzkrieg: Wolfgang Blitzkrieg, mit dem besten politische Nachrichtenteam im Fernsehen. Alan Shore: My best friend has Alzheimer`s disease, uh, very early on, it`s not. He is a great lover of life and will be for a while.

I believe that even if his mind really starts to go away, he will still fish, he will laugh and love, and as it progresses, he will still want to live, because there will be value for him, in a friendship, in a cigar. The truth is that I don`t think he will ever come to me and tell me that this is the day I want to die, but the day is coming and he won`t know. This is perhaps the most insidious thing about Alzheimer`s disease. But you see, he trusts me that I know when that day has come, he trusts me; to protect one`s dignity, heritage and self-respect. He trusts me to prevent his ending from becoming a piece of useless porridge, and I will. It will be unbearably painful. Thing for me, but I`m going to do it because I love it. I will end his suffering because it is the only decent, humane and loving thing a person can do. Denny Crane: You know, the best part of my weddings was always on the first day. Alan Shore: So they came to you to improve their relationship, and now one wants to kill the other.

It`s not your best job, is it, doctor? Alan Shore: Well, I`m used to opting for jury cancellation in these situations. Convincing the jury to focus on morale, not legal, but here it makes no difference! What I did was unethical, immoral, illegal. Catherine Piper: All I`m saying is when you killed two people. There is no better time to turn to Jesus Christ, your Savior. Denny Crane: [in conversation with Alan on the balcony] The only thing to be afraid of is tomorrow. I`m not living for tomorrow. I`ve never seen the fun in it. Alan Shore: Objection, Your Honour. You cannot enter your second point with “first”. Denny Crane: Did my client tell you that this drug is not FDA approved? Judge Harvey Cooper: Mr. Meyer, sit down, or I will have you abducted! Shirley Schmidt: Congratulations on your big win, it`s all over the news. Married? Alan Shore: Let me tell you two things about myself.

I, too, am a lawyer, I can be painfully vindictive, and I do not play fair. Alan Shore: [Under his breath] Pillow pants meet via embargo pylons. [Turns to the jury] They don`t sail beyond honor to love a room. These questions are birthday cellars. To finish the blue radish is the advantage of luxury and igniting a good lizard retrospectively can only drop tears. Puddles don`t ask for it, why not? It`s cheese! Breath and wind. It`s cheese. [Go to the square, sit back and look around confused] What? 10- Denny Crane: “We are carnivores. When the pilgrims disembarked, the first thing they did was eat some Indians. Catherine Piper: It was passed. Genetically, he is one of us. 13- Denny Crane: “I have nothing against marriage.

I`ve done it five times. • From “Men to Boys” (Season 2): After an employee was offended by her inappropriate comment: “I`ve often found that chubby girls insult the easiest.” Alan Shore: Last night I went to bed with a book, not as fun as a 29-year-old, but the book included a speech by Adlai Stevenson. That was in 1952, he said: “The tragedy of our time is the climate of fear in which we live, and fear creates oppression. Too often, sinister threats to the Bill of Rights, to freedom of mind, are hidden under the guise of anti-communism. Today, it is the mantle of the fight against terrorism.