This course covers all major legal developments in the field of mental health in 2020/2021. It will include a summary of all key cases and guidelines heard and will examine the challenges that the coming months are likely to present. An annual refresher training program is commissioned for LSHPs, which aims to provide a range of complex topics and interface with the Mental Health Act that will contribute to their professional development (CPD). Legal update course for PSMA. We offer a range of modules that can be combined to offer one-, two- or three-day courses. A three-day course offers enough hours to meet the annual recycling needs of a PSMA. We also have a standard one-day legal update course. What this terrible virus has taught us is the miracle of zoom. Geographical location is irrelevant. This means that there will be no need for travel or payment for hotels.

You only need a computer/laptop/phone with camera. We will provide the training material in advance. There will be a full opportunity to participate and ask questions. Objective: The objective of all courses and modules aimed at updating the administration of justice is to give certified mental health professionals the opportunity to update and refine their knowledge in key areas of law so that they can better fulfill their legal role. This course, which was originally scheduled for 5.11.20 as a face-to-face event, is now taking place in the form of a webinar. The main objective is to give MSSPs the opportunity to update their legal knowledge and skills with respect to their work under the Mental Health Act 1983. This update focuses on the practical dilemmas arising from recent legislative changes, as well as on the evolution of case law. Narrator: Rob Brown. Cost: £150 plus VAT For more information and booking information, visit the Edge website.

Covid-19 Statement: Due to the pandemic, all trainings will be conducted remotely with a live training plan for online training. That will be the case for the time being. Other professionals (managers, doctors and general social workers, etc.) can book the training at the non-member rate. This course is designed to equip new or less experienced MPs with the tools to do their jobs effectively. This will assume that there is little or no knowledge about MHA. A MASTERCLASS – “an expert lesson for outstanding students” This is an intensive introduction for anyone who needs a basic understanding of the MCA, the Court of Protection, the DOLS and the transition to LPS. Subjects are subject to change. Additional data can be added during the year. The Mental Health Regulations 2008 (AMHP) (England) require all AMHHs to complete at least 18 hours of learning activity each year that are relevant to their AMHP work.

Mental Health Act 1983 – Back to Basics Module There is a reduced rate for members of local partnership authorities. This course is essential for those who have little or no knowledge of the Mental Health Act who want to get a complete and up-to-date overview of the topic. This day focuses on how the law works in practice. Call us on 020 7549 2549 for more information or to book this course. Finally, this course will discuss the White Paper on reforming the Mental Health Act itself and the impact of reform proposals, if implemented, on the way we all work. Key Learning Outcomes Maintenance of AMHP Competencies; Eating disorders and MHA`s Covid-19 have greatly changed the way we work in the future. Mental Health Tribunal participants had to familiarize themselves with the cloud video platform (CVP) process, and there were important guidelines for case law, both in the conduct of mental health act assessments and in pre-hearing investigations conducted by Tribunal physicians. The Court of Protection deals not only with financial issues, but also with the question of where guarantees and procedures for deprivation of liberty are approved or challenged, where contentious issues of capacity are resolved, and where arguments concerning the protection of adults and the best interests are decided. This course is specifically designed for MHAAs.

It allows more experienced administrators to sit down, learn and share skills using an evidence-based approach to fulfill your legal and non-legal obligations as an MHAA on behalf of hospital managers. Issues of diversity and discrimination are addressed in each course. It will also cover the introduction of guarantees of freedom and the impact on the care and treatment of psychiatric patients who are unable to consent to physical health treatment. Led by Peter Edwards and Lorraine Currie, the former professional leader of MCA Shropshire Council. Those who work with children and adolescents often have a very unequal knowledge of the MCA and the legitimate way to deprive it of its freedom. The course addresses the complex interrelationship between the MCA, the MHA and the Children`s Mental Health Act 1983 – Part 3: Patients affected in criminal proceedings Delegates will also examine how the lack of capacity to consent to the Covid-19 testing process has a significant impact on whether this person can actually be tested and what factors need to be taken into account in the decision, whether an injection of the coronavirus vaccine is in the best interest of the non-capacitive patient.