In the figure above, F, FF, FM, FFF and FFM are the agnates of A in the ascending line. MF is not the Agnate. F stands for father and M for mother. You: Your son (बेटा) The son of the son (पोता) and his daughter (पोती) protrude in the descending line. In the figure above, S, D, SS and SD are the agnates of A in the descending line. DD and DS are parents of A in descending line. Here, S stands for son and D for daughter. Related means a person who is not exclusively bound by men. If a person is related to the deceased by one or more women, he or she is called a relative. Thus, the son or daughter of the son`s daughter, the son or daughter of the sister, the son of the mother`s brother, etc., are related, while the father`s brother or the son of the father`s brother or the son of the father`s son or the daughter of the father`s son are Agnates.

When two people are related to each other by blood or adoption, but exclusively by men, they are called each other`s agnates. Section 3(1)(a) Hindu Succession Act, 1956. The agnatic relationship can be masculine or feminine. Before we go through the different laws of the Hind Law, let`s see the meaning of some words and terms that we will look back and forth by studying the different laws and regulations of Hindu law. You: Your father (पिता), the father`s brother (चाचा), your grandfather (दादा), your grandfather (परदादा) r your agnate ascendant. Her father, brother son (चचेरा भाई) and daughter (चचेरी बहन) was in the security line. I will discuss in detail the importance of the Agnets and their relatives when I cover the subject of the Hindu Succession Act, but for now I will briefly say that under the Hindu Succession Act 1956, when a Hindu man dies without a will, his property passes to his Class I heirs mentioned in the list of the Act. If there is no Class I successor, ownership passes to the testator`s Class II heirs. If there is no Class II heir, the property passes to the Agnates and parents, among whom the Agnates are preferred to the parents.

“Agnate.” dictionary, Merriam-Webster, Retrieved 29 September 2022. You: The son of your father`s sister would be one of your parents. Similarly, the son of your brother`s daughter would be yours. If an Agnate fails, a member of the dead man`s gene must inherit. A man may not marry the widow of his brother or an agnat. The Grand Duchy, which was hereditary only in the male line, passed to the next Agnat, the Duke of Nassau. borrowed from the Latin agnÄtus â plus under the entry agnate 1 Subscribe to the largest dictionary in America and get thousands of additional definitions and an advanced search – ad-free! (a) In the event of the abduction of a free person, the fine shall be divided equally between his adult and related heirs and the Treasury. Just think of a simple rule that whenever a person`s relationship with another woman (or more than one woman) intervenes somewhere in the relationship line, one is related to another. So the son of the daughter. In the figure above, MF, MFF and MMF are linked to A.

M means mother, MM means mother mother and MF means mother father. A related or agnatate can be ascending or descending. The following sketches can illustrate the situation: For example, a woman who has two husbands at the same time or who gives birth to children one after the other creates a relationship between her children through uterine blood. When a man dies without natural heirs, his fortune passes to the nearest Agnate. Article 3 (1) (e) of the Hindu Inheritance Act 1956 – Two persons are related to each other by whole blood if they are descended from a common ancestor of the same woman, e.g. full brother, complete sister. There must be a man at the beginning of each relationship line. Therefore, he will be preserved as Agnates and son and daughter of the son, who are related. borrowed from the Latin agnÄtus “younger child, male blood relative on the paternal side”, name of agnÄtus, earlier participle of agnÄscÄ” “to be born in addition (to), grow up later”, from ad- ad- + gnÄscÄ”,nÄscÄ””to be born” to the nation “Much of the work I do is historical – the maximum rates change at different times. It`s really complicated and people do it badly all the time. Then it`s really helpful to have a timeline.

There must be a man at the beginning of every relationship line. Therefore, it is preserved in the form of Agnates. It must be remembered that Aggnate`s relationship is by blood and not by marriage. Agnate means a person who is completely related by men either by blood or by adoption. The agnatic relationship can be a man or a woman.