Each class, regardless of level, includes an orientation booklet outlining what you will learn in the course. It will include reading materials, assignments and physical examinations. You will refer to this brochure to see when the important data is. You can also choose to progress in your studies by reading the learning material ahead of time and starting to study for the exam. The pool was closed and lifeguards only monitored the main pool – where everyone who was at the community swimming event was supposed to be. “I`m sure it was a tough decision. But many of us have reduced pool hours and scheduled because there aren`t enough lifeguards to cover all shifts,” said Mary O`Donoghue, Senior Director of Aquatics at the YMCA of Greater New York. “We have 16-year-olds who are more mature than our 20-year-olds,” said Justine Anderson, who trains all lifeguards in Hempstead. Lifeguarding is an incredibly rewarding career that benefits the community you serve.

Lifeguards may be more than just a summer job for students. Lifeguards are needed at several levels. From your neighborhood pool to 5-star resorts in the Caribbean, this career path could take you to exciting new heights. Some lifeguards served private features, high-end facilities, and chartered cruise lines. There are competitions that recognize skills and talents in the field, as well as prizes that can be won. How can you reach this level in your career? Start with all the recognized courses you can. Lifeguard Course in California – CA offers a range of courses from beginners to experts to introduce you to work or further your education. As in any career, constant learning is the key to success.

You should always work to improve your craft or craft. Lifeguards are not for everyone; It takes dedication and dedication to complete the courses and pass the final exam. You must master your swimming, your strength on land, your technical skills as well as your scientific anatomy. If you would like to know more about what the course includes (beginner, intermediate or advanced), do not hesitate to send us a message on our contact page. We`d love to hear from you and talk about your lifeguard career. Did you know that there are different types of courses where you can specialize in a different area than lifeguards? Your local water learning center may offer courses in the following areas: The purpose of this pre-test is not to discourage you. It`s all about testing your swimming skills to see if you`re cut out for the job. You`ll want to be a good swimmer before you start your lifeguard lessons so your instructors can help you develop your skills. The employment of 14- and 15-year-olds, including 15-year-olds employed as lifeguards, is generally limited to: According to StopDrowningNow.org, 3,400 people die from drowning each year. Lifeguards are everything between recreational swimmers and a serious accident. It may seem like you`re getting paid to sit by the pool all day, but lifeguards are an admirable job with lots of leadership and learning opportunities for young people.

The lifeguard profession under 29 C.F.R. § 570.34(l) includes the duties of rescuing swimmers at risk of drowning, supervising activities in a pool to prevent accidents, providing instruction on water safety, and assisting guests. Lifeguards can also help maintain order and cleanliness in the pool and pool areas, lead or lead swimming meetings, and provide first aid. Other additional lifeguard duties may include checking in and checking out items such as towels, rings, watches, and clothing. Certified 15-year-old lifeguards may also use a ladder to access and disembark from the lifeguard chair. Use hand tools to clean the pool and pool; and test and record water quality for temperature and/or pH using all tools in the test process, including adding chemicals to the test water sample. However, these youth would be prohibited from entering or working in chemical storage areas, including areas where filtration and chlorination systems are located. Fourteen and 15-year-olds, including duly certified 15-year-olds employed as lifeguards, are not allowed to engage in the following occupations, which are often found in facilities with traditional swimming pools: Now, for lifeguards, there does not appear to be a bona fide professional requirement for lifeguards to be under a certain age.

Lifeguards must pass rigorous physical and dexterity tests to keep their jobs. Regardless of the age of a person over 40, as long as that lifeguard can pass the tests, stay physically fit and do his job, he should be allowed to do so. About 20 years ago, it was reported that a California rescuer retired from active ambulance service at age 64 — this after fighting and winning a battle against ageism when he was younger. Your digital connection is a big part of what the course includes. Each student is given a username and password to access the lifeguard database. From there, you can register for practical exam slots, ask your professor questions, and chat with other students about study topics on the online forum. It`s basically your lifeline to follow your class. Sixteen and 17-year-olds employed as lifeguards can do any harmless work for unlimited hours. The Minister of Labour has issued 17 Ordinances on Hazardous Occupations which restrict the types of jobs and/or industries in which young people under the age of 18 may be employed.