Being assaulted is certainly an expression associated with white working-class Cockney types. If you haven`t heard it yet, you don`t watch a lot of movies, listen to soap operas, or even the radio. I`m a middle-aged guy and talk sports radio presenters have been using it for years. In short, to be assaulted is to be mistaken for an idiot. An awareness of the “sixth sense” of where our hands are in space connects them to the mind and allows us to open a door, grab a cup and pour coffee in complete darkness depending on how they feel. Each “con” was divided into two equal parts: the duffer “attacked” one; John the Other. From “invaded”, a new expression emerged, “sensual”. I tried to look this up in the urban dictionary, but there was only one definition of net affirmative vote, and that definition wasn`t even clear. The context of my question is that I`m watching a movie with a lot of English Cockney speakers; Someone says something to another, and the person you`re talking to looks upset and yells back, “Are you trying to take me by surprise?” To be assaulted is to be exploited and to look like a fool. And being “sensual” means having a habit of assaulting people. In British slang, the term “assaulted” means to make you look like a fool. If someone does something to take advantage of you, you could say that you were “assaulted” by them.

The term has its origins in white worker communities, where “cut” has several definitions. But, as with most things in the working class, the term “invaded” is used even by the rich in today`s society. When someone harasses you, they take advantage of you and make you look like an idiot, hence the expression “assaulted”. People with such faces were considered stupid – I know that`s not true, but the past was a nasty place, overcome it! Therefore, they would have been the perfect people to steal – hence the expression “being assaulted”. When you hear the phrase “invaded” today, you`re unlikely to see a documentary about the British working-class lexicon over the years. The professional thief is the “Grafter attacked”; his photograph and Bertillon`s measurements are known and recorded. When it comes to health insurance, a liberal seems to be a conservative who has been attacked by an illness. Remember setting up an ambush and sending the result to someone in a silver frame? The street cat and his kittens had already attacked him. If someone tries to put you down in front of other people to make you look bad/stupid, will that also be assaulted? The next time you watch a British reality show like The Only Way is Essex or Love Island and hear someone hear phrases like “assaulted” or “wet”, you won`t wonder what the hell those words mean. The word “cup” is a kind of cup from which coffee is usually drunk. In the past, cups were often printed with ugly faces.

That`s why the “ugly cup” is what some Brits call an ugly face. As others have said, a cup is a fool or an idiot, and to be assaulted is to be treated like a fool or an idiot. An 18-year-old man dressed as a clown attacked a pedestrian and hit him 30 times in the back and neck with an iron bar. The term “searched” has its origins in white working-class communities, such as those in East London. And Buller lit his candle and attacked a German exercise until the evening bell rang. I keep hearing it on British reality shows, I don`t know exactly what they mean Mugged off when someone makes you look like a cup. A cup is either someone who has been easily or recently assaulted, or someone who is trying to suck you up. A hope that helps Because of the popularity of this type of show, it is no longer just the working class that uses “assaulted”.

But even the noblest person in the world would have a hard time sounding eloquent when he pronounces “invaded.” Instead, he was violently assaulted live on television by Senator John McCain. You`re more likely to watch a reality show. The two with the most “assaulted” are probably The Only Way is Essex and Love Island. I would have liked to plunder everything overnight; But I don`t exactly have it in my EAD. Even worse, this whole robbery case reminds Ross of when he was assaulted as a child. Being assaulted means that you are being deceived by someone who takes advantage of you. There are two different meanings for the word cup, which is related to the use of this expression. Here`s a reference to the reality show The Only Way is Essex, where someone feels like they`ve been cheated on their date dancing with another man. She replies that she did not make him look like a fool (she did not scare him away). I caught myself holding the cup in front of my face just to sniff the beautiful aroma. And being “sensual” means making others look like a “cup.” I`m from Essex and it`s definitely an expression we use all the time! It means treating someone like an idiot, “shaking them up.” I am British and I recognise the expression, and you are right, it is generally used by the Cockneys.

I also use it in the context of “giving a sexual act”, that is, manual labor. A cup to keep drinks hot longerA hot drink is a good excuse to go out in the cold. I`ve never heard anyone say that – unlike Bottle/Bottled, which is one thing. I never really realized how many different meanings we have for cups. I wonder if the etymology is related. My understanding of this phrase is, “Don`t respect me,” that is, “Don`t treat me like a cup!” “Mug” has a variety of uses, so a phrase like this is probably not a phrase at all. You have to keep in mind that a movie can make an effort to accentuate (or even invent) “cockneyisms” – don`t confuse the cockney movie with British English, they`re certainly not the same! To be “sensual” is to tend to slander people. Interestingly, “sensual” is now seen as an insult rather than a “cup.” Put on your jackets, place your chairs in a circle at a safe distance around the fire, and spread blankets and cups. For the first time, offer hot cups of cider, tea or hot mortalities – because holding a fork with mittens is an exercise in frustration. Mugged Off is somehow made to look like an idiot, mostly (but not exclusively) by being deceived or exploited in some other way.