. Last updated: March 18, 2022 In addition to complying with OFAC requirements and applicable local laws, Etsy members should be aware that other countries may impose their own trade restrictions and that certain items may not be allowed to be exported or imported under international law. If people from different countries are involved in a transaction, you should study the laws of the relevant countries. This policy forms part of our Terms of Use. By using our Services, you agree to this Policy and our Terms of Service. Ok thank you. I just didn`t know how many times it has been said that as a U.S. multinational operating in other countries, Etsy must comply with economic sanctions and trade restrictions, including those imposed by the U.S. Treasury`s Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC). Это означает, что Etsy или кто-либо, пользующийся нашими Сервисами, не может участвовать в транзакциях, в которые вовлечены определенные люди, места или изделия из этих мест, указанные государственными органами, такими как OFAC, в дополнение к торговым санкциям, предусмотренным соответствующими законами и нормами. Decorate your stuff and show off your personality with this indoor-outdoor sticker. The photos of the product show different sizes, you will receive the sticker in the size you ordered! As a result, the size may not exactly match the product images.

– Easy application and removal without residue – Simple step-by-step application guide provided with your order – Made in USA 100% satisfaction guaranteed! Экономические санкции и торговые ограничения могут применяться к порядку использования вами Сервисов и могут изменяться, поэтому участникам следует регулярно проверять источники информации о санкциях. За юридической консультацией обращайтесь к квалифицированному специалисту. Under California privacy laws, providing such information may be considered a “sale” of data. Disabling personalized advertising means that you have opted out of these “sales”. Learn more about our Privacy Policy, Help Center and Cookie Policy, as well as similar technical means. To calculate the total number of stars and the percentage distribution per star, we do not use a simple average.