Now, if you choose a legal career The moment you embark There is this joke you must hear A lawyer is a shark Ignore this, it`s easy and it`s stupid Only some of you will expose sharks, only some The rest are chumps Our subject is blood in the water children, it`s time for you to face law school Oh yes, unless you acquire a taste for blood in dark and red and raw water You are nothing until the thrill of killing becomes your only law, M. Sholtz, hypothetical question Would you be willing to defend the next banker accused of fraud? A nice old grandmother took her savings and sent them to her client, everything she has saved since birth Well, he promised to invest it, but he gave it On the prostitute and heroin and porn No, I wouldn`t want to take this case Fake it`s a profit unless you`re lazy grandmother broke, she will have a legal aid hack Put her on the stand and call her old and crazy Your guy breaks free and he can get you high and pose Look for blood in the water Read your Thomas Hobbs Only spineless snobs will quarrel with moral dubious jobs Yes, blood in water Your scruples are a defect Mrs. Please use the player below to listen and sing this song. Be sure to check the Legally Blonde merchandise on the right.