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By staging a relationship between the Barbados of the plantations and Kant`s Enlightenment, I suggest that the transformation of the European border to the established world required the subjugation of violence in order to be pervasive and entrenched everywhere. The rise of humanity under colonial modernity combined the construction of whiteness with the submission and death of blacks. As such, the alleged inclusion of slavery in legal frameworks became a prerequisite for its continuation, as white collective society was strengthened by police work for blacks. Since the literal blood and sand of the colonized are still the foundations of white life, the question of abolition therefore requires that we go far beyond the institution of the police. I want to reflect on the implications of the integration and universalization of this white collective domination in the Constitution of Freedom. Many reports on the Enlightenment refer to the image of the slave as a negative violation of freedom, with freedom defined as self-control. Kant (in reference to Rousseau) is primarily interested in seeing freedom as a mastery of the state of nature, so that it cannot bleed into the realm of law, reason, and order. As such, it requires that autonomy have no other source than universalized reason: “It is necessary for the law of reason that it presupposes only itself, for a rule is objective and universally valid only if it applies without the contingent and subjective conditions that distinguish one rational being from another.” Freedom is to be bound by laws that we have made ourselves. Born out of this persistent dependence of whiteness on an impossible pursuit of anti-black annihilation, the police are less a thin blue line between politeness and chaos than the form of the world itself.

Perhaps, as Robert Nichols argues, “theft is the mechanism by which property relations are created,” the transition from the middle could be seen as a process of slave making that is somewhat analogous to the colonial conversion of land in America into property ratified by Locke. Where Locke felt it necessary to expropriate and lock up land against a threat from those in the state of nature, rights over slaves were also linked to a legal right to protect property from encroachment. But we must not forget that, as Hortense Spillers describes in detail, the passage of the middle “marked a theft of the body” by “real mutilation, dismemberment and exile”. Forced to embody a disorderly threat, the slave was made both the object of property rights and the object of a violent prohibition against the intrusion of the same rights. As such, the black slave serves “as a mere function rather than a relationship” within the emerging structure of the plantocracy, so that the distinction between slave and servant can be made by the proscriptive power of property relations. Consider this constitutive movement of Kant`s domesticated and quarantined otherness in a conversation with the Barbados Plantation. There, the transformation of the European border into the established world would write the slaves in a legible form and at the same time reproduce “this darkness has no meaning in a fundamental sense; that it can be understood as an empty or inexplicable difference. In 1661, “A Law for the Good Government of Servants and the Ordination of Rights between Masters and Servants” and “A Law for the Best Order and Government of Blacks” were written into the law. Known as slave codes, legal distinctions between contractual servant and slave were at the forefront, codifying and expanding the rights of the servant. The legal relationship to contractual work has enabled the contracting parties to develop rationality, to participate in civil order and to have rights under the law. I want to show how the antinomy of violation is insufficient. Freedom was not defined against slavery, but by its universalization as collective control; Civil order was not defined against brutal violence, but by its internalization and legalization.

Instead of accepting that the “civil orders” of colonial modernity were based on the elimination of disorder and violence, I would like to draw attention to what their continued presence required. Ownership and policing were much more closely linked than the idea of a police force to protect private property sometimes suggests. The collective greed for possession and submission that caused “the enslavement of the slave to all whites” was the means by which “whites” would be frozen as a collective order. The creation of civil order as a white community was one and the same as the creation of a collective police force. This illustrates Tiffany Lethabo King`s argument that the rise to whiteness leads to the “death of others” as an “exclusive and privileged place of unrestricted self-realization.” In staging a relationship between Barbados and Kant`s Enlightenment, we have seen the anticipation of the distribution of violent relations between master and slave; Conquering settlers and indigenous peoples integrated into the structure of “civil society/black vacuum”. The alleged inclusion of the slave in legal frameworks was the prerequisite for his continuation and life after death, while the naturalization of slavery as an equivalent of blacks made him unthinkable in the context of social relations. That is to say, the attempt to universalize domination remains an unthinkable prerequisite for a social order whose brutal violence could thus be recognized analytically and perceived emotionally as rational and legal. Life is too short to waste time with companies that scam people and don`t deliver. Vanity Publishers was created to let authors down: period. That`s why you need to invest in a self-publishing company that has the program and expertise to train you and train you on how to take full control of your book. For this reason, we recommend that you always look for the best companies and make your own decisions about which services best suit your needs.

If there`s one thing you`ve learned from this Trafford Publishing review, we hope it`s this: do more research before investing in this company or any other company that deals with creative solutions. If you`re writing a standard book such as fiction, self-help, or memoirs without photos, you only need the black and white package. The [black man] may be disciplined and cultured, but is never truly civilized – Immanuel Kant While these characteristics followed English legal concepts generally applied to movable property as an interchangeable commodity, slaves were also subject to legal concepts of real estate that were different in English law. Left implicit in the codes, their prescription appears in the formulations of the use of slaves for inheritance in wills and deeds of sale, as gifts, against payment, as security and plantation inventory. Slaves acted as a fungible commodity and a source of additional financial accumulation through widespread English investments and guarantees, while forming a permanent source of inherited labor.