7.19 Tamil Nadu Government Employees` Special Provident Fund – Gratuity Scheme (1984) – Payment of interest on employee contributions through148. Amended arrangements Pensions Department G.O. (Mrs) No. 268 Last update:31.07.2002 Read: 1. G.O. (Mme) No. 62 F as of 11.2.1997. 2. G.O. (Mrs) n° 473 F in ance (Pension) Department dated 17.10.2000. 3. G.O.

(Mrs) No 334 F in ance (pension) Department dated 5.9.2001. 4. G.O. (Mrs) No. 151 F (allocation) Department dated 6.5.2002. MISSION Under Regulation 5 of the provisions of the Tamil Nadu Government Employees Special Pension Fund (1984), the interest rate is considered equivalent to the interest rate applicable to the General Provident Fund. (Tamil Nadu) subscription. Collection of subscriptions under this system commenced in April 1984 and collection of subscriptionsamountedto Rs 5,021 at the end of July 1996. The interest rate on the general pension fund was raised from time to timein1984 and the interest rate for 1996/97 on the general pension fund was 12% per annum .

2. In the Government Order, which was read for the first time above, ordinances were published authorizing g 12% per annum insteadof 9% per annum at the second stage of the calculation of interest per issue in g the following items in g orders: – Employeeswhoenroll in theschemeand retire before the 148th receivea gross amount according to the reimbursement table. 3. Those who have already subscribed to 148 stallionsby the end of July 1996 will receive the lump sum of Rs 5,021 plus the annual interest rate of 12% plus the government contributionof Rs 5,000 (increased to Rs 10,000). The heads of office/heads of departments determine the interestand penalize the payment under the scheme. 4. In the above-mentioned Government Order, Orders were made to reduce the interest rateonfraud under the Tamil Nadu Government Employees Special Provident Fund – Gratuity Scheme by Rs 5,021. Becomes. (1984) from 12 % per annum to 11 % per annum from 1.8.2000 and from 11 % per annum to 9.5 % per year from 1.8.2001 or following the reductionin the interest rate for civil servants from 12 % per annum to 11 % per annum from 1.4.2000 and from 11 % per year to 9.5 % per year from 1.4.2001. In the G.O. At fourth reading, ordinances were issued reducing the interest rate from 9.5% per annum to 9% per annum on the contribution of civil servants from the General Pension Fund as from 1.4.2002. 5. The Government has decided to reduce the interest rate from 9.5% per annum to 9% per annum, with effect from 1 January 2002, on the amountof Rs.

5,021 credited to the State Government at the end of July 1996 under the State Employees` Special Provident Fund – Gratuity Scheme (1984). Accordingly, the Government orders that the interest rate on thelump sumbe reduced from 5,021% to 9% per annum as of 1.8.2002. 6. An illustration of the calculation ofinterest is attached to this Decision. (On behalf of the Governor) N.NARAYANAN GOVERNMENT SECRETARY 630 (C) The emission spectrum shall be determined using a portable radiometer whose response is weighted to conform to the spectrum of ISO 17166 CIE S 007/E entitled “Erythemal reference action spectrum and standard erythema dose” of 1999 (First Edition, 1999-12-15; corrected and reprinted 2000-11-15), incorporated by reference in accordance with 5 U.S.C. 552(a) and 1 CFR part 51. A sample copy is available from the ISO Copyright Office, P.O. Box 56, CH-1211, Geneva 20, Switzerland, telephone +41-22-749-01-11 or fax +41-22-74-09-47. www.iso.org.

You can obtain a copy from the Center for Drug Evaluation and Research, 10903 New Hampshire Ave., Bldg. 22 Silver Spring, MD 20993, by calling 301-796-2090 or by contacting the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA). For more information on the availability of this equipment at NARA, call 202-741-6030 or www.archives.gov/federal_register/code_of_federal_regulations/ibr_locations.html. The performance of the solar simulator shall be measured before and after each photo test, or at least at the beginning and end of each test day. This radiometer shall be calibrated by direct comparison with the spectroradiometer (using the weighting factors determined in accordance with section (i)(1)(ii)(A) of this section) at the time of the annual spectroradiometric measurement of the solar simulator in accordance with section (i)(1)(iv) of this section. (ii) Following the introduction of the new Tamil Nadu Government Provident Fund Special Gratuity Scheme, 2000 of 1.10.2000, workers` affiliation to the old scheme was abolished. However, employees who were already members of the previous plan will receive monetary benefits on an ongoing basis upon retirement. In addition, all regular civil servants who were in service until 30.9.2000 were allowed to vote and subscribe to Rs 50 per month up to one month before the date of retirement, which will be reimbursed with accrued interest. The effective date of the final 1999 monograph was May 21, 2001. This deadline was extended (65 FR 36319, 8 June 2000) and then suspended until further notice (66 FR 67485, 31.

December 2001) to allow more time to address various outstanding issues such as labelling and testing of over-the-counter sunscreens. As a result, the final monograph of Start Printed Page 6210Stays never came into effect in 1999. (iii) This scheme was made compulsory for all workers recruited from 1.10.2000 and the contribution was increased to Rs 70 per month.