Paralegals looking for a job: Read this blog post on the skills most in demand by today`s legal counsel. You must highlight the admission to the bar on your legal resume. If this scenario applies to you, be sure to include the following in the Job Description section of your resume: Proofreading. Once you`ve set up your resume with the content and layout the way you want, proofread it carefully. Look for inconsistencies in style as well as actual typos. Don`t think you`re the only proofreader; Ask at least one other person for help. If you discover a typo, you will need to repeat your resume, even if it is already printed. No typo is trivial. Some legal employers like to read about candidates` external interests because these hobbies serve as an icebreaker in a job interview and can show that you are a well-rounded person. When declaring your interests, note activities that demonstrate your leadership qualities, self-discipline, or other positive traits.

Keep in mind that all the hobbies and interests you list should be appropriate for the job, so use your best judgment to determine what does and doesn`t make the cut. Also add any memberships or affiliations you have with alumni, lawyers, or special interest groups. Resumes should be concise, accurate, error-free, well organized, clear, easy to read, and visually appealing. Keep in mind that the reader of your resume will probably not spend more than 30 seconds reviewing it. To be effective, it must be short and still provide enough information to interest the employer. Most law student resumes should be one page long. Use a standard font such as Times New Roman and an 11-point font size. This guide contains some basic suggestions for CV preparation, as well as examples that you can check out. If you would like a lawyer and consultant from the Office of Career Development to review the design of your resume, send it to the career email box. The recovery process from start to finish can take much longer than expected. Start early and give yourself plenty of time. Contents Some technical notes.

If you send your CV electronically, it is best to convert it to a PDF file first. This way, your formatting and all document history are invisible and you can control exactly how your resume is displayed and printed. The email addresses in your contact information should be text, such as your phone number, not a hyperlink. Keep in mind that potential employers can see the name of the document. Stay clear and professional and include identifying information, such as jane_doe_resume2018.doc. Resume examples (These are included in PDF format to preserve formatting, an essential part of effective resume creation.) Back to content Your resume is usually your first contact with a potential employer and will likely determine whether your qualifications and background warrant an interview or serious consideration for a job. While employers typically don`t hire solely on the basis of a resume, they may choose not to interview a candidate based on a poorly prepared or presented resume. Therefore, excellent content and presentation are essential. Employers assume that your resume represents your best work and indicates your overall work product in terms of clarity, organization, accuracy, and appearance. As a general rule, anything that doesn`t help you get an interview should be removed from your resume. Most decisions about what to include and how best to present the information on your resume are based on your personal assessment of your strengths, the type of position you are looking for, your own tastes and styles, and your knowledge of the traditional appearance and reading of resumes in the legal profession.

Consider having more than one resume to highlight different things for different types of potential employers. Recruiters at major law firms are inundated with applications. As I said, in this market, supply exceeds demand. However, follow our mandate and you will have a successful resume template in no time. Think of your resume as a living document – you need to constantly update and adapt it to each job you`re applying for. Learn as much as you can about the position and the types of files you would be working on, and edit your resume to highlight relevant skills that would help you excel in this particular type of litigation. Patent attorneys should add a list of patents they have written or assisted on the second page of their CV. Corporate and real estate lawyers should include transactions they have worked with to omit client names.  Litigators can attach samples and copies of pleadings of which they are particularly proud. If you`ve published a few legal articles, list them all on your resume, especially if they relate to the firm`s field of activity. If your publication history is extensive, gather your legal articles into a separate document and include a note on your resume that says, “List of published works available upon request.” Do you have questions about writing a lawyer`s resume? Ask in the comments section.