Use the following letters to manually search the English dictionary. To see all the words that begin with an English letter in the English dictionary, you need to select the letter below. Then you can check the list and see all the Spanish translations and their synonyms by clicking on a word or phrase in the English-Spanish dictionary. For new words and phrases to be permanently included in the English-Spanish dictionary, they must be approved. You can contribute by voting for English-Spanish translations that you think are correct, or you can suggest changes in the writing, grammar, or wording of a sentence or word that you think is wrong in English or Spanish. You can be part of the community and help make our English-Spanish dictionary the best and largest in the world. Our goal is to be the largest online dictionary provider in the world, but to achieve this, we need your help. A translation from English to Spanish may vary depending on the case and certain factors. An English word can be translated in one region and another. There can be more than one correct translation for an English word, as words can have multiple meanings depending on the context in which they are found. A term in a technical translation may have a completely different translation in a medical text, which is why the English-Spanish dictionary contains different interpretations of the same word. Contribute to this by adding new suggestions and revising words. Register as a user and enjoy the benefits community members.

You can earn points for the world ranking, for example by adding new words to the English-Spanish dictionary. In the English-Spanish forum you can ask questions about English translations that do not convince you. Other users ask and answer questions about topics such as English to Spanish translation, grammar, and other language-related issues. Common short phrases: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200. Type an English word or phrase in the text box to search for it in the English-Spanish dictionary. Of course, you can also enter the words you want to translate into English. There are many ways to broaden your search. If you need to know the difference between two similar terms in English, you can use search tools such as the Internet or Wikipedia to display the results of that sentence in English. Results: 330. Exactly: 330. Response time: 170ms.

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