in England and Wales, someone who in the past has often taken people to court just to cause trouble. A person considered a vexatious litigant must obtain permission from a judge to initiate new legal proceedings. legal to officially state that you believe something is true, right, or really legal the fact that your case can be tried by a court legally tell someone that you intend to do something someone to whom a right or responsibility has been legally attributed a sufficient fact or set of facts, to justify legal action Look for legal acronyms and/or abbreviations containing the option in the dictionary of legal abbreviations and acronyms. The meanings of lawful and legal largely overlap; However, lawfulness may apply to respect for laws of any kind (e.g., natural, divine, general, or canonical). Option Extract on 11 2022 from an agreement in which a legal representative controls someone`s money like a government official who does not receive specific information about how their money is managed, legally responsible for causing damage or injury to a particular person, so you have to pay them something legally a situation, In lawyers, doctors and other professionals, it is legally permissible to keep their conversations with people secret, to say that a legal agreement or obligation is now terminated a legal entity that is not human but has many rights and obligations, for example, a company, a government agency or an NGO Some common synonyms of legal are legal, legitimate and legal. Although all of these words mean “in accordance with the law,” the law refers to what is sanctioned by law or in accordance with the law, especially when written or administered by the courts. legal to validate a legal document by signing or sealing it 02 2017. 11 2022 a written request or question from one party to a dispute to be answered by the other party. An interrogation is now generally referred to as a request for additional information. The situation where one person is held legally responsible for the actions of another person, such as when an employer is responsible for the actions of an employee. Vicarious liability is often referred to as secondary employer liability.

Legal liability for causing damage or injury, or for paying for something formal, legal to participate in a mock court case, usually as part of a law student`s training Legal damage to your reputation, career, or feelings caused by someone or something In some situations, the words are legitimate and legal roughly equivalent. However, legitimate may refer to a right or legal status, but also, in the case of extensive use, to a right or status supported by tradition, custom or recognized norms. legal the process by which a place returns to a former owner or government that is legally responsible under a particular law a regular travel of a judge to hear court cases in each of the courts in a particular region The words legal and legal may be used in similar contexts, but legal applies to strict compliance with the provisions of the law and applies in particular to the, which is regulated by law. in the United States, being mentally fit enough to appear in court. In England and Wales, the court asks if the person is incapable of litigating. Regardless of who is responsible for an event or situation, the performance of contractual obligations performed by a court order when the payment of a sum of money would not compensate the other party, a defense used in criminal cases where the mental state of the accused leads him to commit a crime without knowing it, is what he does. The crazy automatism is when a person is mentally ill and commits the crime.