The Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1948) was the first legal document for the protection of universal human rights. It is generally accepted that it forms the basis of international human rights law. Further information on human rights can also be found in its British Institute of Human Rights (BIHR) Human Rights Guides to The Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities marks a revolutionary change not only in the definition of persons with disabilities, but also in their recognition as equal subjects enjoying full and equal human rights and fundamental freedoms. The Treaty clarifies the application of rights to persons with disabilities and obliges States parties to provide reasonable accommodation for persons with disabilities to enable them to effectively exercise their rights, for example to ensure their access to services and cultural life. International human rights law sets out the obligations that States are obliged to respect. By becoming parties to international treaties, States assume obligations under international law and obligations to respect, protect and fulfil human rights. The obligation to respect means that States must refrain from interfering with or restricting the enjoyment of human rights. The obligation to protect obliges states to protect individuals and groups from human rights violations. The obligation to respect means that States must take positive measures to facilitate the enjoyment of fundamental human rights.

The list below barely touches on how many things you could do with a group. It should spark ideas, not offer a recipe for action. Be creative and ask participants what they think would be most useful or interesting, and what would match the skills of those who will perform it. As at UN level, social and economic rights in Europe are regulated in a separate document. The European Social Charter (revised) is a binding document covering the rights to safeguard the standard of living of people in Europe. The Charter was signed by 45 Member States and ratified by 30 in 2010. Meetings of the UN General Assembly or UN conferences on specific topics often result in a UN declaration or a non-binding document, also known as “soft law”. All States, by virtue of being Members of the United Nations or participating in the Conference, are deemed to agree with the declaration they have made. The recognition of human rights should also result from an agreement between a State and its people at the national level. When human rights are recognized at the national level, they become first and foremost a political obligation of a State towards its people.

Each soul is hostage to its own actions. Public actions such as street theatre, protest marches, petitions or sit-ins have many different objectives, but the following are probably the most important: Given that not all human rights instruments or regional systems use the same procedures to implement human rights, A few examples should help clarify this. An important function of the CPT`s work was observed in the case of hunger strikes in Turkish prisons in 2000-2001. While the Turkish government was working on changes to the prison system, some prisoners began hunger strikes to protest some of the reforms. Their protests turned violent. The CPT actively participated in negotiations with the government and the hunger strikers, investigated the events surrounding the hunger strikes and examined how the draft laws could reform the Turkish prison system. The CPT has visited Turkey every year since 1999, except in 2008. Recent CPT visits included visits to Serbia, Albania and Greece. Before taking legal action, you should always try to resolve your problem by other means, such as talking to the authority or through mediation.

This is called alternative dispute resolution. If you don`t, it can affect the outcome of your case. At the 2005 World Summit, all Governments of the world reaffirmed “that democracy is a universal value based on the freely expressed will of peoples to determine their own political, economic, social and cultural systems and their full participation in all aspects of their lives” and stressed that “democracy, development and respect for all human rights and fundamental freedoms are interdependent and inclusive”. mutually reinforcing.” The Human Rights Act stipulates that only the victim of a human rights violation may take legal action under the Act. You are likely to be a victim if you are personally affected by, or are likely to be personally affected by, the decision or action you are complaining about. Police Observation “LegalTeam” is a group of young legal advisors, activists and experts working in Russia. They specialize in providing legal assistance and advocacy to people participating in public gatherings or demonstrations, many of whom are pressured by the police because of their participation. Similar initiatives exist in many countries. The group in Russia was originally formed to monitor and prevent human rights violations around the G8 summit in St. Petersburg in 2006.