James Rule studied at Hymers from 1988 to 1996. Early in his sporting career, he represented England in rugby union at U-21 level in two Five Nations and a World Cup in Argentina. He went on to play professional rugby union in the English Premiership, the French First Division and the English Championship. If we accepted that we were “just a rugby club” and opened the doors expecting large crowds to show up and generate the revenue needed to exist in Super League, we would be in dreamland. He has been chief executive, director and partner of two different rugby league clubs in Super League. First with Hull FC, where at the age of 28 he became the youngest CEO in Super League history. Most recently with the Widnes Vikings, where he was the first person to hold the position of general manager at two different Super League clubs. In addition, the majority of our sponsors support us because we are a socially responsible association that makes a difference. Not every business sees the value of rugby league sponsorship, but being able to support programs that make a meaningful difference in people`s lives is something that many organisations want to be associated with.

The only leader was founded by James Rule, who spent over twenty years in the world of elite sport. As a professional rugby union player, he represented his country at U-21 level, playing in the English Premiership, Championship and French First Division. “I want to put to bed that I have not asked for release for 2019. To all members, fans and young children, I understand my importance to this team and my position as captain and leader of this club. I`ll be here in 2019 and I can`t wait for the season to start,” Widdop told Australian media. Take, for example, the seventeen best Saints players compared to Widnes. Eight Saints players haven`t missed a game this season, compared to just one for us – Tom Olbison. Our starting XI has missed more than 90 games, compared to about 30 for the Saints – and fewer if you take Matty Smith out of that equation. The brutal reality is that if some of your first seventeen don`t go out on the field, you`re going to fight. If we can develop and sustain our masses, we can fill some of the gaps and create a budget for recruitment.

When we step back, it is even more difficult to sign players, even if the right to them is still there. He now works as a motivational speaker and mentor with a particular focus on building resilience among current and emerging leaders. Having already introduced students in Grade 10, he intends to continue this program of work this year with the high school. James Rule (JR): Given where we were when I started in September 2012, there are obviously a lot of things I`m very proud of. JR: As I said, that was the ambition at the beginning of the year. The reality now is that it is still possible, but we need to see an increase in targets. The game against Wigan on Friday is a turning point for us in that regard. Rule left the Vikings earlier this month, with many fans believing he is largely responsible for the club`s current financial crisis. All the programs we offer involve investment. If I had to put it in its simplest form, last year we gained more investment from public and private institutions for our community programs than from our members and participants combined.

It is an integral and essential way to continue to develop the club and ensure its survival. Of course, all of this is independent of the brilliant work of our charitable foundation, which makes a real difference locally. Former Widnes CEO James Rule and his family have received death threats, according to the club`s current administrator, Peter O`Hara. This angered many of the club`s fans and O`Hara, acting on behalf of bankruptcy company O`Hara, revealed that the club`s former CEO currently needed police protection. Rugby league news and rumours from Super League and beyond A number of NRL clubs are interested in the former Golden Boot winner, with the Sharks looking best placed to catch the dynamic playmaker. Rule left blacks and whites under a huge cloud in 2011 thanks to a two-year suspension for his involvement in a cover-up after ex-player Martin Gleeson tested positive for the stimulant methylhexaneamine. “I can go to a new place and take my game to a new level. Thank you for believing and keeping me strong, we all know it wasn`t an easy journey, but without your support, I wouldn`t be who I am. JR: Yes, it is. If we had had the same number of members as last season, we would have hired another pre-season. If our goals for the season were the same as last year, we would have made another commitment in the middle of the season. So yes, we missed the opportunity to make two new signings during this period.

MS: There`s some apathy among fans right now. Do you understand why they are frustrated, nervous, anxious, whatever it is? In 2017, James was nominated for the Making A Difference award at the prestigious 3rd Sector Care Awards for his social impact – the first nominee for the private sector. When I joined this club, I realised that the club had lost its connection with the younger generation. When I looked at our stalls, I didn`t see any children wearing Widnes shirts. We created the community because we wanted to create an emotional connection with the local population and build relationships with the young players of tomorrow. Morally, I think the right thing to do is to go out and make a difference in the community. “Working at Widnes Vikings has been a real privilege. The club has faced real challenges over the past few seasons and I am proud to have helped the club overcome them with the support of our staff, partners and members. It has been an honour to work with incredible people who are fully committed to this club and its continued success, and of course I will miss them all.

JR: People always see recruitment as a new signing. For many people, this doesn`t matter unless it`s a new face, but in fact, the investment falls into three components. Nevertheless, Rule landed the position of CEO of Widnes while serving his suspension, and has led the club for the past six years. “I loved chatting, chatting and taking pictures with you, and if you stay with me, I will continue to do so. Stay happy family and thank you for all the positive news, I will let you know what will come next once everything is confirmed. “We go out and find innovative ways to invest in a small community and work hard to maintain this club. When people say we focus more on the pitch than on the pitch, they have to understand that you don`t have a competitive team without a lot of effort off the pitch. League Publications secured an exclusive interview with Widnes CEO James Rule earlier this week to discuss the club`s current position and future. In the first of several parts, Rule discusses the club`s current position, fan apathy and how it has affected the club, and much more.

The second and third parts of this interview will air on League Express next week. When our sources of income are under pressure, we are limited in what we can spend.