Game and Fish Code – FGC DIVISION 3. FISH AND GAME IN GENERAL [2000 – 2948] ( Division 3 published by Stats. 1957, chap. 456. ) CHAPTER 2. Importation, transport and protection of restricted wild animals [2116 – 2203] (title of Chapter 2 as amended by Stats. 1987, chap. 1231, para. 1) ARTICLE 1. General [2116 – 2127] (Article 1 adopted by Stats. 1957, chap. 456.) 2118. It is illegal to import, transport, possess or release into this State wildlife of the following species unless there is a revocable and non-transferable licence in accordance with this chapter and the regulations made under this chapter: Class Monorhina (lampreys) All species.

(e) Class Osteichthyes (bony fishes) Family Serranidae (bass) Whitefish, Morone or Roccus americana Family Clupeidae (herring) Gizzard, Dorosoma cepedianum Family Sciaenidae (Croaker) Freshwater sheep`s head, Aplodinotus grunniens Family Characidae (Characins) Banded tetra, Astyanax fasciatus All species of piranhas Family Lepisosteidae (Guys) All species. Family Amiidae (bow fins) All species. f) Response: Section 5.00 of Title 14 of the California Code of Regulations describes black bass regulations for various California waters. In California, the term “black bass” is used to define four commonly caught members of the sunfish family of the same genus: smallmouth bass, largemouth bass, spotted bass and Alabama bass. A fifth member of the black bass group, the roach bass, is rare. Q: My wife and I are outdoor lovers and we don`t want to break the law. We often drive back roads or dirt roads in and around Butte County, armed only with a flashlight – unarmed to see and enjoy wildlife that wouldn`t be possible in daylight. Is it legal? A domesticated wildlife licence is required for any person who breeds or imports or keeps in captivity domesticated wild birds that normally live in the wild in that condition if the birds or mammals are kept for more than 30 days after acquisition. A: California is home to three native quail species: Mountain, California and Gambel`s quail. To keep these and other species as domestic wild birds, a domestic game breeding license is usually required according to the fishing and hunting code available from Here`s my research summary so far: The answers to 1 and 2 are apparently no.

You can target some species (mainly introduced species – regulations are regional), but only for bait. But you can`t take them live (Title 14, Section 1.63 California Code of Regulations). The rules are obviously different for some species of non-threatened amphibians and reptiles, which you can take if you have a fishing license and you respect the restrictions for that species. Go figure. If you have a research permit or obtain a permit for a teaching project, the answer is yes for 1 and 2. They are not recommended if the endangered red-legged or yellow-legged frog is present. Apparently, minnow traps kill them. The answer for 3 is more unclear. You can certainly buy fish from aquacolists in the state, but the number of native species available is limited (the Sacremento perch seems to be available).

For out-of-state fish, you may need an import permit to remain legal. While you can argue that it`s both “tropical” and decorative, there are different and more relaxed regulations. This is a bit strange, as some species sold in California in the aquarium trade under the tropical exception have successfully colonized the natural water around San Diego. For any ambiguity, I think the default answer is maintained. Contact the California Department of Fish and Game. ————-If you choose to bend the rules, my only advice is to at least follow the ethical guidelines established elsewhere in this forum regarding protected species, small populations, etc. and never release an aquarium fish of any kind into natural waters. It`s illegal in many states.

Check your laws and regulations. Does anyone have any advice on how to accumulate a largemouth wild perch in an aquarium? As I said, bass is a no-go unless you can take out an absolutely huge aquarium together. But what you might want to study are “native aquariums/aquariums.” These are aquariums that people set up by sourcing wild plants and fish locally, but more like stingers and sunfish than like perch. People outside of the aquarium hobby usually underestimate the size of the aquarium you should have to keep fish happy and healthy. Even goldfish should be in 30-40+ gallon tanks, these things can grow! Depending on the length of the trip, the licence allows up to three daily pocket and ownership restrictions on finfish, lobster and saltwater scallops for each licensed person fishing in ocean waters. No person may catch more than one daily limit of fish per calendar day, and the provisions of the licence do not apply to restrictions on the right-of-way and possession of salmon, rainbow trout, yellow perch or sturgeon. Black bass is clearly the most popular warm-water fish and there are many anglers fishing in tournaments where cash prizes are offered for the largest total or individual “big fish” catch. All allowed black bass tournaments require catch-and-release fishing, which is understandably confusing for those who want to catch and keep black bass. Black bass is considered a very good table food! While there are many exceptions, the general rule for black bass is a size limit of 12 inches and five bags of fish in species combination.

It is very important to research the water you want to fish and check the specific black bass rules that apply to it. Q: I go fishing overnight and I have heard that I can get a multi-day licence that allows me to keep more than one bag of fish. How does it work? Answer: In general, carrying multiple firearms while hunting is not prohibited by the Hunting and Fishing Code or the regulations made to implement these laws. Such activities are indeed common, especially among turkey hunters who are looking for wild boars at the same time. An exception to this general rule is hunts that take place in certain restricted areas, such as wildlife refuges, refuges and areas where firearms are closed. And of course, hunts that explicitly ban shotguns and rifles, such as muzzle-loading rifles and archery, are just seasons and zones, exceptions. Be careful not to transport lead ammunition to an area where it is prohibited. Please also note that black bass cannot be transported live from the waters in which it was received. Many people try to keep them in a good life to raise them at home. Hunting small game and big game at the same time LMB are not pets! unless you plan to increase the size of your tank even further.

They are currently sentencing him to death. probably also technically illegal in many states Q: I would like to know if foraging in ponds, especially in the Bay Area and surrounding coastal districts, is legal. I would like to look for invertebrates – mussels, barnacles and others. Do I need a special fishing license to harvest? Q: Can I keep and raise quail as domesticated wild birds? Can I sell their eggs? Q: Can I keep a large mule as a pet in California? The Fish and Game Code prohibits the possession of various species of fish in California, including largemouth perch. With a few exceptions, including some exceptions related to yellow perch tournaments, the movement of live fish from the wild is prohibited by California`s Code of Regulations, which states that live fish cannot be transported live from the water in which they were caught. Question: Would it be legal to carry a shotgun for small game and a rifle for deer at the same time? (SJ) Question: Can you keep the black bass of legal size? The regulations are confusing as to whether you are allowed to keep them or not. (Jake) A: No, it is not legal to own a large mule as a pet. 1) Can I legally go to my local river and collect with a net for my home aquarium?2) Can I use a minnow trap?3) Can I order native fish for my aquarium online from outside California? From California (if they were available)? The regulations are so long and cover so many irrelevant topics that it is difficult to get the information you want. In addition, please read local municipal codes and laws, as well as zoning regulations for keeping and raising domestic poultry, including quail. It is also required that all passengers disembark at the location indicated on the multi-day permit. In addition, the permit must be visible to all passengers on board the vessel.

Q: My company imports tropical fish. I have a client who wants me to sell fresh water combs from South America.