First, make sure you`ve installed your insurer`s app on your phone and know how to access your insurance information. The last thing you want to do is not be able to find your information and make the agent wait, so familiarize yourself with the app and practice finding your proof of insurance. The Virginia DMV monitors auto insurance coverage for vehicles registered through its insurance verification program and insurers are required to provide the DMV with electronic updates if coverage is cancelled or added. There are benefits to using electronic proof of insurance, and as people rely more and more on their mobile devices every day, it seems a good idea to use your device for your insurance as well. However, there can also be risks. Second, Virginia also allows a vehicle owner to pay a $500 fee for an uninsured motor vehicle (UMV) to register an uninsured vehicle. While this gives a driver the legal opportunity to drive without incurring fines for lack of insurance, the UMV fee is not insurance and the motorist is personally liable if they are involved in an accident – the UMV fee allows you to drive an uninsured vehicle at your own risk. The fee expires with your registration. Although Virginia requires liability insurance that covers damage to other cars, it does not require comprehensive insurance that covers damage to your own car. However, drivers should consider whether comprehensive coverage would be to their advantage. Virginia law offers two main options for “insuring” your vehicle.

First, you can purchase auto insurance that meets the following minimum coverage: Third, if a law enforcement officer asks for proof of insurance, let them know that your insurance is on your phone and that you need to access your phone before you reach your device. Traffic stops and is worrisome for you and the officer. Virginia imposes stiff penalties for non-compliance with insurance requirements. If liability coverage for your vehicle is terminated or cancelled during the registration period, you must reinsure the vehicle, pay an uninsured vehicle fee, temporarily deactivate your license plates, or permanently surrender license plates to the DMV. You can also suspend your driver`s licence; To reinstate your privileges, you must pay a $500 legal fee and submit a certificate of financial liability insurance to the DMV for three years and pay a reinstatement fee. Relying solely on your mobile device also carries other risks. For example, what happens if your phone dies or you forget it completely? For these reasons, some may choose to keep a hard copy of their insurance easily accessible. You`re driving (maybe a little too fast this morning) and suddenly you see the dreaded flashing lights behind you signaling you to stop. Law enforcement asks to see your license, registration and proof of insurance, so rummage through the piles of paper in your glove compartment and look for the forms you swear you can put in but can`t find anymore. You are a responsible driver and have insurance, but your insurance card is nowhere in sight.

Fortunately, Virginia allows you to provide electronic proof of insurance. Self-insurance and surety bonds are also options for business car owners. The law allows motorists to use an electronic copy of their auto insurance during a traffic stop or in any other situation to prove they have auto insurance. It is completely voluntary. You can use the paper insurance card or an electronic version on the phone. To use electronic proof of insurance effectively, you need to be prepared. Second, make sure your policy is up to date. Pay your premiums to make sure there are no surprises if you need to provide valid proof of insurance. Some raised privacy concerns in response to the increasing use of electronic proof of insurance. For example, what restrictions do law enforcement have on the information they can see on your mobile device when you use it to prove you`re insured? Your phone contains significant amounts of personal information that you may not want to share. What happens if your mobile device is damaged while belonging to law enforcement? Eventually, Connecticut could become the forty-ninth state where drivers can show their proof of insurance on their cell phones.

The House of Representatives approved HB 5135, an electronic proof of auto insurance returns bill, by a vote of 137 to 13. Forty-nine states and the District of Columbia allow drivers to present an electronic copy of their insurance card at a traffic stop. Some insurers allow you to access an electronic copy of your insurance card in their mobile app, while other customers allow you to download a digital version of their card from the company`s website. Forty-eight other states have passed similar legislation, and Connecticut is finally entering the information age. If you prefer to use a traditional hard copy, you can always rely on it. The law firm Renfro & Renfro specializes in personal injury and workers` compensation cases in Virginia. To learn more about their services or get a free consultation, contact us today.